Walk Away

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I started to pack for my college. I'd be going away for it. I didn't choose a college within the area. My phone rang and I looked at the caller ID, it was Shawn. I ignored it trying to forget everything that I can possibly miss here. It includes him, my one and only boyfriend.

I zipped my luggage and got ready. My flight leaves tonight and I am not sure if I am ready or not.

A week later

Its been a week and I'm already settled down here in my dormitory. I have a room mate named Winchelle (yeah I'm your roommate) and everything is turning out to be pretty cool. Right now I was just walking around exploring the campus when my phone rang. I looked at it and it was Shawn.

"Finally you answered my call!" He said. "I just went to your house and your parents said that you are not there."

"I am not there already. I left." I sighed. "Shawn... I don't know how I would say it to you and all my friends."

"But why would you leave us. You did not even give a single clue that you were leaving." He replied.

"But how? Like what I said I do not know how to approach you guys." I paused with tears trying to fill my eyes. "Shawn, you just don't know how hard it is for me to hide my feelings. It kills me inside to know that I'd be leaving everyone that I love there, and that I would miss everyone so bad. And that I'd miss you the most."

"Then you should've just said it, well at least to me. If you did so we should've had one of the best dates ever." His voice lowered.

"I'm sorry Shawn, but I just couldn't. If I mentioned a single thing about it I know that I'll just miss you all and that I will not be able to handle it. I felt like walking away is the best choice I had, so I did." I answered.

"When will we meet again?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"Where are you study-" I hung up with my uncontrollable tears.

I just cannot handle this. I miss my friends, my family, and mostly Shawn. I did not even tell my friends and my boyfriend where I'm studying, but I guess walking away for now is the best solution.


So hey guys! Yeah, this is one really weird imagine like super weird.

Anyways check out my other books and Instagram accounts @awehuntah and @mahboyhayesg!

And also it will mean the world to me of you nominate Hunter

I love y'all and I hope you guys liked this imagine. - Winchelle

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