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"Dude, I just don't have a chance on Shawn." You said to your best friend.

"You have." She smiled.

"No I don't." I looked down.

"If you don't have then, I'll set you and a guy up on a date. Don't worry it won't be Shawn I promise." She replied. She took her phone out and texted a guy. "Your date will be tomorrow at your favorite restaurant."

"Okay." I said.

The next day...

I don't really have any clue to whom this guy would be. This is something new. Someone I don't know. But whoever this guy would be I hope he could be nice and as amazing as Shawn is. Wait... Wait... Y/N don't compare Shawn and that guy that you are going to date.

I wore the clothes that I planned to wear. It was simple yet elegant. I grabbed my purse and ran off.

I went to my car and tried to start it. Ugh why won't it start?! Should my car break by this moment?! Ugh!

I tried to call my best friend, but I was just directed to her voice mail. Now there is only one person left to call whom I know is ready to help me anytime. Shawn.

S- Hey Y/N/N what's up?

Y- I need a ride to my date.

S- Well I am actually going to your place since I don't know you're going to a date so surprise!

Y- Yeah I see your car.

S- Okay bye.

Y- bye.

I hung up. I then suddenly realized that his tone when I told him that I am going to date someone changed. Like his tone was happy then it quickly transformed to being sad.

His car pulled over right in front of me. I went in and saw some chocolates, flowers, and a huge teddy bear that I have always wanted at the backseat.

"So who's the lucky lady?" I asked.

"Laur." He fake smiled. Well it's because I kind of know him so well that I know his true smile from these kind of smiles. But why?

"Aww, you two are going to make a perfect couple." I lied. To tell the truth when I was saying that it was actually killing my heart inside.

"Thanks." He replied. "So where is your date place?"

"On my favorite restaurant." I said.

He nodded and started to drive towards the restaurant. The ride was really silent and awkward since it's the real opposite of the normal rides we do.

As we arrived I hopped off and went in the restaurant. I met the guy. It was my old crush. He stood up from his seat and pulled the seat across his for me to sit on. We both ordered our food.

From my seat I could see Shawn sitting on the chairs outside. The chocolates, flowers, and the humongous teddy bear wasn't there.

"So uh... Hey." My former crush said.

"Hi." I smiled.

"So how are you? I mean we haven't talked or seen each other for like years." He asked.

"I'm fine and you?" I looked at him.

"Good. So what do you like to do." He smiled.

"Stuff." I couldn't really think of anything. "You?" I knew he likes to do a lot of things.

I looked at Shawn outside. He was just out there using his phone with his you-cannot-draw-or-paint face. What is wrong with him? I tried to drive my attention back to my date who was telling a lot of stories about him.

The food came and we started to eat and he still continued to tell his stories. I wanted to tell him to shut up, but I think that would be really rude.

I finished my food and still his stories were still continuing. Still no ending. I got bored so I started to think about Shawn. Our memories together. Our first kiss. Our first date. Just all our firsts.

Finally his story ended I stood up. "I'm sorry, but I feel like this won't work out. Especially if I like someone else." I said politely even if I know that this is sort of not in the etiquette when your in a date.

"But I thought you had a crush on me?" He asked.

"I don't want you to assume or anything that is why I'm telling you that your not my crush anymore and I like someone else." I replied.

"Then who is that someone?" He raised his voice since he doesn't want anyone better than him.

I looked outside to where Shawn is. He was still alone.

"Oh I'm gonna F........" I cut him off.

"If you really like me or whatever, please just respect my decision. We could be friends." I smiled.

"Okay. Friends it is." He smiled.

We both shook hands and left our own ways.

I went out and I walked over to Shawn with a smile on my face. "So shall we go?" He asked.

I nodded. We both went in the car again and still the ride was the same. I started to get curious yet slightly annoyed at the same time.

He pulled over in front of our house and just stayed silent there in the driver's seat pulling his phone out. I decided to ask him why.

"Dude, why are you so silent ever since we made our way there to the restaurant?" I asked.

He remained silent.

"Is it because Laur didn't show up?" I lowered my voice looking at the things at the back.

"No, because you got yourself a boyfriend and it's not me! Can't you see it Y/N I like you. I mean I love you!" He paused. "I was suppose to go to your house and ask you out. That is why I have these things on the back seat. They're for you." He said a little more calm.

I just stayed there surprised not saying a any word. Just complete silence.

"I understand if you don't want to be friend with me anymore because I know this would be awkward. And I don't want this to happen but." He pulled me and kissed me on my lips.

I started to kiss back tho. I didn't mind what he would say. I like this. BEST KISS EVER!

We ended up with our foreheads resting on each other. "You kissed back." He said.

"It's because I like you too." I smiled.


And we all know the ending. Or if you want to make a twisted ending then your wish is granted (of course).

Anyways I'm sorry I haven't updated its because I went to our retreat and practices for our school play. And of course there are more practices because our play will be held on the sixteenth so yeah.

Hope you guys enjoyed this long (actually my longest) imagine. Love y'all. - Winchelle

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