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I don't know how to start this. Okay, I will just go straight to the point and to tell you the truth, I hate to say this, but I think that this is goodbye.

I honestly lost interest in this book and I just feel like the chapters that I published are absolute crap. I think I don't need to explain this furthermore since I talked about this on my last chapter. Also, since I am not a fan of hiding or sugarcoating stuff and I know I might get hate on this, but my interest on Shawn somewhat declined inside me as well. I wasn't the same obsessed fangirl way back when I started this book which was like years ago. I think every fangirl goes through this stage, but who knows, maybe I'll come back and write more (on a different book of course). Time and my personal life are factors as well. I became busier and I got interested in other jazz too. I hope you guys understand.

On a positive note, I will still edit the chapters that I did before. I want to give this book something good and worth reading, so if you want to reread them, you can. It will be marked "edited" at the very beginning for y'all to distinguish the ones improved or not yet. However, it will take a long time for me to do it.

Other stuff that I want to say is that, if you want to request for a book cover, just check out my book "Graphic Design - Edmunds" and just hit me up. Plus, if you love marvel or basically Sebastian Stan and/or Tom Holland, I have a few works that have them as my subject.

And to formally end this book, I want to thank y'all for reading this. It was fun writing for you guys, and I hope our thing doesn't end there. I don't want this to become too dramatic, so I hope you guys have an amazing day or night ahead!

Til next time, or when you read my other books,

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now