Scandals (Antoinette)

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Requested by @_antoinettee

It's been three years since Shawn and I started to date. Though there are many rumors spreading all over the world that Shawn is cheating on me, I didn't believe. I mean, why would I? I have faith in Shawn and I trust him.

"Hey!" Someone shouted as I immediately stepped on break. "Watch where you're going!"

Okay, okay. I have got to admit it. I'm not at ease. I'm worried that what if Shawn is cheating on me. Like what if he doesn't like me anymore? Or what if he thinks that I'm not good enough. I sighed and just tried to continue my journey home.

By the moment that I arrived, I went straight to the kitchen and tried to drink some refreshing orange juice. I went straight up to my room and I tried to call Shawn. I dialed his number and waited for his answer.

"Hello?" I said as the line went started.

"Who is this?" I heard a familiar voice. This is the voice of my best friend.

"Y/B/F/N?!" I asked shocked.

"Y/B/F/N, if that's Anth then just put it down." I heard Shawn.

That made me really really furious. I flashed to my car and started to drive.... recklessly. I quickly made my way towards Shawn's house then went in their unlocked door.

I went up the stairs and opened Shawn's door. I caught them playing tongue hockey and I charged towards my best friend. I grabbed her by her hair. Dragging her out of the room and the stairs, she was asking for forgiveness and mercy. I didn't have that at the moment. I don't care what other people will say right now. I'm blazing on fire.

"HOW DARE YOU!? Stealing someone's boyfriend and breaking someone's trust huh? Well I guess that's a new thing now." I exclaimed.

"It wasn't my fault falling for your boyfriend. I'm sorry." She begged.

"I'm not a fool to believe you." I replied.

"Anth!" I heard Shawn. "I love her. I just used you. I played with you."

"WHAT THE?!?! That's... ugh!" I shouted both devastated and mad. All I wanted to happen to me right now is die. I want my life to end.

I said goodbye to the two. I ran towards my car. By the moment I saw Shawn running towards me. I locked my vehicle, but I did not start the engine. I got my cold knife; there I stabbed it at my chest. Where my heart was.


And here I am again saying sorry. Yep, I didn't update for months and I want to apologize. I was just let's say, really busy and running out of romantic ideas.

Anyways, I don't want to write a long note today, so hope y'all have a great day!

- Winchelle

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