Confetti Falling

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I seriously don't know, everyone is dancing around with someone and I'm just sitting aside. I knew that I shouldn't have just went to this stupid prom.

I opened my purse and got my phone out. I opened onto my Instagram and everyone was posting about what a good time they were having.

All of a sudden all the lights went off. You cannot see anything, but a spotlight on to the stage. There was a microphone and it's stand lying there. A guy with a guitar then started to walk towards it. I carefully looked at him and it was Shawn Mendes.

I stood up as he started to sing. He started to sing I Don't Even Know Your Name. Since there were many people I got stuck in the middle.

People were screaming and clapping while singing along. I was also doing the same. By the end of the song everyone was chanting his name. It was like I'm in a concert that requires you to wear something formal.

"Thank you." Shawn started. "Hey there, pretty girl with an outstanding smile."

Everyone started to look around. They all looked at the school's prettiest girl. Assuming that it was her, the students started to make way for her. She started to walk towards Shawn when he jumped off the stage making his way towards to where I am standing. He stopped in front of me.

I was so shocked and I do not know what to do. I immediately got self conscious. I feel like I'm not that pretty tonight despite the fact that I tried to look my best for tonight. As a result I covered my face with my hands.

"Why are you covering your face?" He asked taking them off. "Don't worry you're beautiful."

I felt so embarrassed and I knew I was flushing red. I shook my hand and tried to look back. I felt a hand on my hips and turned me around. He soon kneeled down and asked if he could dance with me. All I did was nod.

He held my hand and placed a hand on my hips as I held his and place a hand on his shoulder. The music played and the crowd went aside. As I heard the song it made me feel the song more. It was confetti falling by Big Time Rush. We moved through the beat and it was just a dance that shall never be forgotten. I even feel like I don't want this to end.

Sadly, everything needs to end. We stopped dancing in the middle and he was smiling at me like I'm crazy. "Cause your heart calling feels like confetti falling down, down, down ." He sang the last part of the song. "Hey, we should get to know each other more."

I nodded and he hugged me. This is the best night ever.


Since it's like prom season here's something for it. Haha I'm done with my prom and nobody danced with me except for this guy friend of mine and my girl friends.

Anyways, I wanted you guys to read this because I am asking for a favor and that is if you guys can tag Hunter Rowland on my last Instagram post. My last Instagram post and my user is @.winchelleross. The peeps who will like and tag him will get a spam on IG with my four accounts and a shoutout here on this book by the next imagine that will be published this week.

So please if you're kind enough I AM BEGGING YOU.

Ily all and I hope you enjoyed. - Winchelle

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