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"So did you get everything we need?" I asked Shawn who just went in the door.

"Yeah." He replied going straight to the kitchen.

I stood up and followed him. For this day we planned on baking cupcakes. Neither of us really know how to bake, but I have a few ideas about it. We arranged our materials in place and got the cooking book that we will follow.

We started mixing a few ingredients together to form the batter. It was actually fun and cute at the same time. Folding the batter, Shawn and I were helping together. I'm at the front and he is at my back wherein he helps me to mix everything that we need to.

After being sure of the batter, we slowly poured it to the baking pan and preheated the oven. After a few minutes, we placed it in and we started to do the icing.

"And let's go put the icing to the bag." I said as we finally finished.

"Sure." He nodded.

He held the bag and I carefully placed the icing inside. He sealed the bag and we waited for the cupcakes to be cooked. While waiting for that, both of us decided to just play around. We started to chase each other as if we were a couple of five year olds. We did that for like fifteen minutes or so forgetting about the cupcakes.

"Shawn!" I said as he got me.

"Yes babe?" He asked.

"The cupcakes!" I said getting out of his arms.

We both ran to the kitchen and we were too late. The cupcakes were already burnt. I felt a little bit of bad and mad both at the same time. I was frustrated and it was a showing. As a result, Shawn took the bag of icing and placed a few on my lips. He started to lick it all away until he kissed me.

"I thought you need a little sweetness to cool you down." He said chuckling as we pulled away.

Damn, I have the best boyfriend ever.


I'm so so so so so so SO (add about 10^10000 more SOs) sorry for not updating for like forever. I'm just so busy and I mean really busy that I even need to attend school almost every Saturday.


Oh and credit to the owner who inspired me to do this imagine. Well to tell y'all about it, I saw an imagine similar to this one about a few years ago and I just remembered it recently, so yeah shoutout to that dude or dudette lol

I kinda love this imagine btw hehe

Anyways, I hope y'all have a wonderful day! - Winchelle

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now