Notice Me

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Listen to Alli Simpson's Notice me hehe


I was just passing the Mendes household. Normally my crush Shawn isn't always here because he is always on tour. I looked up and saw him from the window.

I immediately felt so conscious. I looked at my outfit and my hair. I look so messy. I quickly ran away back to my house.

"How can I make him notice me?" I mumbled to myself.

I realized that there was a party later and for sure he will go there too. I went through my closet and saw a white shirt and a pink floral skater skirt. I then did my make up. I also wore a few accessories like a necklace, and a few bracelets. As for for shoes I just went on to wear some heels. After I sprayed on some perfume. (I apologize if you're not a girly cuz I ain't one too)

I went out and drove to the party.

As I arrived I saw Shawn's car right outside. Yep, I was correct he is here and I don't know how I could catch his attention.

I simply walked in casually. I saw him hanging with this chick and I felt like they were both having a great time. All of a sudden there was a riff off going on. I quickly ran to where it was happening, and since everyone was welcome to enter Shawn signed up and so did I.

"So welcome to the Riff Off!" One dude said. "Our first category would be..." He clicked this shuffle app on his phone. "Songs for your crush and she will start this." He said pointing to this guy named Bruce.

They started to sing and stuff. I observed, Shawn was really paying attention. I took my chance.

"If this tears were gasoline,
I'd light a fire make you notice me.
Swing in a lightning storm to make you see
Nothing too crazy, if it make you notice Me"

I looked around and everyone seemed to be enjoying, but Shawn was walking away. What did I do was I out of tune? Is my voice ugly? What is wrong?

"Look at me,
I'd walk a tight rope over stormy seas
I'd fight a lion, build a galaxy
Nothing too crazy, if it make you notice -"

Finally someone cut me off. I started to walk to where Shawn was and he was no where to be seen.

Unexpectedly I tripped on something. Luckily someone caught me. I looked at the person and it was Shawn. The guy who caught me was Shawn Mendes.

"Looking for me beautiful?" He said smirking.

I quickly stood up and defended myself. "No." I said.

"Anyways, you've got some pretty amazing voice. We should do a cover sometime." He said. "What is your name by the way?"

"Y/N." I answered.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said. "Nice to meet you Y/N. I'll see you around."


I know it's pretty weird and it's my first imagine for 2016! Lol I'm still not yet really over 2015 tho.

Did this imagine because I was listening to Alli Simpson's Notice Me and she followed me on Twitter!

Anyways, hope you guys like this imagine. - Winchelle

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