Chapter Fifteen | Good Heart

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Kyungsoo and Jongin ended up staying up into the late ours of that night, talking about anything and everything. For hours on end, they talked about stories from their childhood, completely losing track of the time. Even when the dogs were getting fussy and Jongin had to take them out, Kyungsoo came along and they would just continue where they left off in their conversation. In fact, they stayed up so late that once they finally ran out of things to talk about, it was almost midnight. Kyungsoo, being his usual thoughtless self, told Jongin that he had to get home before Ryeowook called the cops, but Jongin, being his usual protective self, refused to let him leave. When the sun was up, Jongin thought, the town seemed friendly and safe. But when the moon took over for its daily night shift, Jongin didn't think that so much. Even in an almost picture-perfect town like his, there was the occasional robbery or mugging of some defenseless person who was walking home one night. And not that he thought of Kyungsoo as defenseless (because his punches could be quite painful), but there was no way Jongin would send his love out there at night. So, after explaining this to him, Jongin convinced Kyungsoo stay with him.

After spending the night cloaked warmly in each others arms, Jongin woke up earlier than Kyungsoo, which made him feel like the luckiest man in the whole world since he got to see how beautiful he was. His face was still and peaceful and Jongin could feel this aura of purity surround him, making him seem like an angel that fell right to him from heaven. And for a moment, when Kyungsoo stirred slightly, Jongin could have sworn that he saw a pair of beautiful, white wing appear on Kyungsoo's back and a bright and golden halo form over his head. 

"Good morning, my love," Jongin said as he carefully carried two cups of coffee from the kitchen into his bedroom, Kyungsoo sitting up and smiling a sleepy smile at the sight of Jongin.

Thank you, Nini, Kyungsoo signed in reply before he took the cup from him, watching the steaming as it whisked out of the cup and into the atmosphere. Jongin smiled silently in response, taking a small sip of his own coffee before walking around to his side of the bed and setting it on the nightstand. Kyungsoo had just finished swallowing down his drink of coffee, letting the hot liquid run down his throat before setting it securely in his lap.

"You want to know the best part about finally having our feelings out?" Jongin asked him as he picked up his previously lowered head and landed his eyes on Kyungsoo's.

Kyungsoo giggled because he knew it would probably be some cheesy answer but nodded his head anyway and said, What?

"I get to tell you that I love you as many times as I want to now," spoke Jongin in a soft voice. Kyungsoo's eyelids quivered for a moment and he smiled, thinking that that wasn't as cheesy as he thought it would be. "I can tell you first thing in the morning and then right before you go to bed and I can tell you at the most random moments how much I love and need you and it won't be awkward because you'll be so used to me saying it." Kyungsoo laughed, temporarily lowering his head to try and cover up his blushing cheeks. Jongin leaned forward a bit and lifted his head back up by his chin, looking directly into Kyungsoo's big, beautiful, brown eyes before saying, "I love you so much, Do Kyungsoo. You'll never be able to know how much having you by my side means to me."

Kyungsoo had to turn away to stop a tear from falling before replying. I love you, too, Kim Jongin. I promise I'll never love someone as much as I love you. Finally being able to see those words come from Kyungsoo, it all felt like a dream come true to Jongin. And the kiss they shared after that only made him further realize that as long as he stayed with Kyungsoo, dreams he didn't even know he had would be coming true for the rest of his life. Jongin's cell phone began to ring after they pulled back and Jongin sighed in annoyance when he saw that it was a call from Eunhee.

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