Girl meets family

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Cory's POV
"Do you remember the time we-" I began
"Yes Cory we all remember. We've been talking about memories for hours and I don't think the kids are ever going to pick their jaws up off the floor." Shawn cut me off and laughed.
"Seriously Matthews, you used to be a lot like me, and to think I've always thought of you as a crazy goody two shoes." Maya said. Oh no I did not mean to give her ideas!
"Oh no Maya, I was the one like you. Cory and I were the dream team, but I was the Maya. He was more like Riley, only badder. Riley is also a lot smarter than he was. He failed nearly every test. But he was the good guy." Shawn said.
"Crazy, insane even, but he was a good guy." Topanga added. Oh no. I do not think so.
"I am dangerous! I was a dangerous boy! I was baaaaaad! Remember when Topanga and I broke up and I stole my dad's whiskey and we were drunk and peed on the cop car! And the time with Topanga and we did stuff! And the other time-" I was going on
"Yeah, Cor your real dangerous." Shawn laughed.
"Mr. Matthews, Mr. Hunter these stories explain so much about what happened all those years that left me so confused. I get why Shawn was a girl, I get why that prank war started, and I know way more information about your past home lives than I really needed to know, but I hope your children have learned from your antics." Mr. Feeny said.
"FEENY! FEENY! FEEEEENY!" I heard a voice call.
"Oh dear." Feeny said, instantly knowing who it was.
"Yes Eric?" He asked.
"Didja hear? I'm senator of New York now!" Eric yelled.
"Oh dear. Why are you all still loving here? How did you get the job?" Feeny asked.
"Easy. My niche Riley and her friend mohesha were my campaign managers," he said.
"My name is still Maya," I heard Maya say under her breath.
"I think you mean niece, Eric." Feeny said.
"Yeah, ok. Where's Josh. Feeny has Josh been doing everything I taught him. Does he visit often?" He asked.
"Well, he did, until he moved here just like you all did. May I say he does not do the Feeny Call as well as you." Feeny said to Eric. At this, Josh walked back into the room. I got annoyed because I told him to stay in his room but I let it slide because everyone was here.
"Hey, I'm trying my best, not everyone has Eric's talent." He said.
"Mr. Matthews," Feeny said. Eric, Josh, and I all looked at him thinking he meant us.
"The middle Mr. Matthews," he added.
"Yes?" I asked him.
"I think your living room is getting a little crowded and this is crazy. But seeing as I think everyone is here, I he an announcement." Feeny said. We all stared at him in anticipation for him to continue.
"I slightly regret this, but I have bought the apartment next door. I never thought I would say this, but I missed you." He said.
"Mr. Feeny! You do love us!" I jumped to hug him and Topanga, Shawn, Eric, and Josh joined me. I pulled the kids into it too and everyone was sharing a nice big group hug.
"I need to be updated though. I don't know what is happening in your children's lives." He said.
"Well, Maya is my best friend. They always say she is my Shawn. Maya and Josh are dating. Lucas is my boyfriend! Yeah, I know crazy right! But it's true! It really is! This is Farkle, and he is one of my great friends. He plans to take over the world someday. Shawn and Maya's mom are dating. I don't know this Angela, but daddy always says Maya's mom is like Angela. Maya and I solve every problem in the bay window in my room." Riley said. I think she covered just about everything.
"Ahhh, Miss Matthews. You're quite perky aren't you?" Feeny asked.
"Yup. She's perky, I'm Shawn. I have no father, live on the crappy side of town, my mom is only there half the time, but she's working on it. I'm dating Josh, and still wondering why it took Ranger Rick so long to ask Riley out." Maya said. Oh dear. This was not gonna end well.
"May I ask, who the heck is Ranger Rick?" Feeny questioned.
"That would be me, sir. It's one of the nicknames Maya calls me by. I'm Lucas, Riley's boyfriend. I'm from Texas. My life story is that I was expelled from my school I'm Texas and my family lived here. I'm not like that anymore and try to stay below the line, but that's a little hard when you have Maya as a friend."
"I like you, Mr. Friar, you seem like a good kid. Do you like him Mr. Matthews?" Feeny asked me.
"Well, you see, he's a good kid, but he's dating my daughter!" I defended.
"Our daughter, Cory, and we have had this discussion before. You have no reason to distrust Lucas and the sooner you accept that the better." Topanga said to me.
"I'm Farkle. I have Farkle time in class and still just want to know what happened in Belgium 1831. I love both Riley and Maya and they are going to be my queens when I take over the world. But, since they both have boyfriends now they are going to be my queens still in the friendliest way possible. And before you ask me, because everyone does, I am still looking for my birth certificate." Farkle covered all his bases.
"I wouldn't put it past Mr. Minkus to build a robot child." Feeny said.
"Let me guess. Riley and Lucas are the new Cory and Topanga? Are Maya and Josh like Shawn and Angela?" Feeny asked.
"Before my idiotic husband cuts in on how the girls can't have serious relationships, I'll give it to you short. Yes, they are, in a way, but the real new Cory and Topanga is Auggie and his friend Ava." My lovely wife cut in. I opened my mouth to speak but she kissed me preventing me from talking.
"Yes lovely couples!" I said afterwards.
We talked for a while until people began to file off into places. Topanga and I headed off to bed telling everyone to show themselves out when they felt like leaving.
Shawn's POV
"Hey Josh, come here a sec." I called to him and pulled him to the kitchen.
"Yeah, man?" He asked.
"I remember when you were a little baby. You were so sick and almost didn't make it. I remember visiting you in the hospital with Cory and Topanga and talking to you. You were so small and nobody was sure if you could make it." I said.
"Is there a point to this story?" He asked.
"Yeah. My point is your lucky your alive, so I want you to live your life right. People are comparing you and Maya to me and Angela. Angela and I were a great couple but hit a few bumps. We fixed the bumps and just when things were going great, she left to Europe for a year and things changed. I let her go and it was a huge mistake. I've found love again with Maya's mom, and I'm not letting go this time. So my point is no matter what if you truly love Maya, don't let her go. Because if you hurt her I don't care if you are my best friends younger brother, if you hurt my Maya I will hurt you. So treat her right." I said to Josh. I loved Maya and wanted to make sure she got what was best for her. She and Josh really had chemistry and I had to make sure Josh understood.
"Yes sir. I will take good care of her mad no harm shall come to my princess." He assured me. I told him to go to bed now and I left to go home.

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