Girl Meets Last Night

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Maya's POV
I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. I sat up and took in my surroundings. At first I had no clue where I was but I then realized I was in Cory and Topanga's bedroom. Why did I sleep in there?
"Hey Maya, here drink this for your headache," Dad said giving me a glass of water.
"How'd you know I have a headache?" I asked starting to wonder where the Matthews were.
"Because of last night," he told me.
"What happened last night? I can't remember a thing after arriving at the party." I said.
"It's a long story, I'll tell you later, I promise." He told me.
"Ok." I said.
"Is she up?" Cory asked coming into the room.
"Yeah she doesn't remember last night though, anyone else up?" Dad said.
"Well Riley's up, and I think he moving around is waking Josh up. Lucas is still sound asleep and Farkle woke up at the crack of dawn." Cory said. They were all here? Why was I in Cory and Topanga's room instead of Riley's? Why was Josh in Riley's room? I remember we were all going to have a sleepover after the party, but I must be missing something here.
"Why am I in here?" I finally asked interrupting Cory and Dad's conversation.
"I told you honey, I'll tell you later." Dad said. I nodded and sat on the air mattress I was on. Did something happen last night? Was it something bad? Why couldn't dad just tell me now? Where was Riley?
"What's for breakfast?" I asked starting to feel around for my phone.
"Breakfast? It's nearly lunch time, Maya." Cory said to me.
"So? Ever heard of breakfast for lunch?" I asked him.
"I'll go see what we have." Cory stumbled and left the room.
"Did something bad happen last night?" I asked dad.
"I would say so," he answered. Finally, an answer that was actually an answer. It was vague but it was something. I took my chances with another question.
"Why am I not in Riley's room?" I asked.
"Because of what happened last night. Do you remember anything at all?" He asked me. I thought really hard, but couldn't come up with mug because of my headache.
"All I can remember is getting to the party and... I remember telling the others not to tell Riley there was alcohol at the party and... Oh God I got drunk didn't I?" I asked starting to remember some more.
"Yeah Maya, and I'm really disappointed in you. We had gone over punishment last night but seeing as you don't remember we can go over it again after I tell you what you did." He said.
"Please tell me I didn't do something stupid." I almost begged.
"Sorry, Maya I can't tell you that." He said to me. I was really worried now. Was the stupid thing I did the reason I wasn't in Riley's room right now? It had to be what other reason could there possibly be?
"When can you tell me what happened?" I asked.
"When the others wake up. We wanted you guys to sleep it off so we can talk to you when you all had a better sense of what was going on." Dad said. So that means I wasn't the only one that got drunk. Oh no. I really hope I didn't let Riley get drunk.
"Come out guys breakfast is ready!" Cory called.
We went to go eat and I saw everyone else that was up. Riley and Farkle were at the table laughing. When I sat down Riley glared at me and Farkle stopped mid-sentence.
"What?" I asked genuinely confused.
"Don't think I magically forgot overnight what you did, Maya." Riley spat at me.
"See that's the thing, I don't remember anything that happened last night except that we all got drunk. From the very vague things Dad told me and the fact that I woke up in your parents room and not yours, I've figured out that I must have done something last night but I have no clue what. Dad wouldn't tell me he just kept saying 'I'll tell you later' " I said.
"You really have no idea what you did?" Riley asked me.
"Not a clue," I answered.
"Lucky you," Josh answered in his morning voice coming into the kitchen with his sexy bed head.
"Good morning Josh," Cory said.
"You finally got up," Riley smiled at him.
"Pancake?" Farkle asked him offering him the stack.
"Yeah, I'll have some of that." He said in his morning voice again. He sat on the opposite end of the table from me.
"Why are you so far?" I asked him.
"Why would I sit next to you right now?" He asked me.
"Oh crap. Don't tell me I did something to you too, it's already bad enough that I hurt Riley and I don't even have a clue what I did!" I said beginning to raise my voice only to stop when I felt a sharp pain in my head.
"Hangover?" Riley asked me caringly
"Yeah..." I said surprised she was even caring after whatever it is I did. It seems like it was pretty bad.
"You can have my water," she said pushing the glass to me.
"I thought you were mad at me?" I asked her.
"I am. I really am, but until someone tells you what you did I don't think it's fair of me to be mean until you know." She said. Classic Riley.
"Thanks..." I said awkwardly.
"Look what I found!" Auggie said pulling Lucas in.
"I was gonna jump on him but then he woke up of natural causes before I could." Auggie added. (A/N I got the inspiration for this line from girlsmeetrucas who came up with the jumping idea)
"Hey guys." Lucas said.
"What's up Ranger Rick?" I said praying he wasn't mad at me too.
"Hey Maya. Hey Riley!" He said sitting down next to Riley. She gave him a glare like the one she gave me.
"What?" Lucas asked looking at the rest of the table. Josh was glaring at him too and Farkle just couldn't meet his eye. He looked at me and I looked back at him and shrugged.
"Don't look at me. I don't remember what happened last light. If it's anything, they're mad at me too. And I must say I'm really confused." I said.
"All I remember is we were all drunk. Did I do something Riley?" Lucas asked her.
"Yes! You did you big idiot!" Riley snapped at him.
"Riley don't yell. Please I have a bad hangover." He said.
"Me too," I added.
"Okay kids, this sounds like a good time to tell the story to those that don't remember what they did last night." Cory said jumping into the conversation.
"Yes please. It's really annoying not knowing why they're all mad at me, and now that they're mad at Lucas to what happened last night!" I said.
"Well from what you all told us when you got home, this is how it went down. You all went to the party. When you got there Farkle went off to meet Smackle. Maya went off with Josh and Riley went off with Lucas. You all throughout the night were drinking shots, but I'm sure you gathered that much. Riley left Lucas to go to the bathroom and while she was there she ran into Josh, who left Maya to go to the bathroom. While Josh and Riley were gone, Lucas and Maya ran into each other by the drinks table. They went out onto the dance floor to dance a bit and-" Dad was telling the story. As he told it, it sounded familiar. It was still fuzzy but coming back a little bit.
"And then Lucas kissed Maya. Maya kissed Lucas back and Riley and Josh found them making out in the middle of the dance floor. Riley got really mad and called Maya a slut and Maya called Riley a bitch. Josh then took Riley and Farkle home leaving Lucas and Maya to did another ride. When they got home Cory found out so I went to go pick those two up and bring them back here. Then we started to talk to all of you and figure out what happened. Lucas and Maya both said that they enjoyed the kiss and there was some more name calling. Cory and I figured this was getting nowhere so we separated you all so we could address this when you had all calmed down a bit. And that brings us to now. Are we all caught up?" My dad told the story. I jumped up.
"I KISSED HUCKLEBERRY?" I shouted ignoring the pain in my head.
"I WOULD NEVER KISS HER!" Lucas shouted.
"As in you two were practically eating each other's faces right in the middle of the dance floor." Josh said.
"Oh my god Riley I'm so sorry. I don't know why I'm the world I would have done that. I'm so so so sorry. Can you please please forgive me?" I begged Riley sitting next to her.
"I don't know.." She said. That was better than no.
"Ring power?" I asked holding up my hand not sure if it would work.
"Ok, but I forgive you but I'm still a little mad," she said giving me a hug.
"I can live with that. I totally deserve you being mad at me." I said. I wasn't so sure it would be as easy to make up with Josh. And what if Riley didn't forgive Lucas. What had I done?"
"Maya stop acting like it was your fault, according to the story I kissed you first." Lucas said.
"But apparently I kissed you back." I said.
"Riley do you forgive me?" Lucas turned to Riley.
"No." She said plain and simple.
"Riley.." Lucas said.
"Kiss her." Was all she said.
"Excuse me?" He said.
"Kiss her. See if you like it or if it means anything when your not drunk."
Riley repeated.
"I like that idea, Riley. Maya kiss him back." Josh said.
"And if we feel nothing will you believe that we didn't mean anything and for whatever reason in our drunk state it seemed good?" I asked.
"Yes" Josh said and Riley nodded.
"I can't believe I'm agreeing to this. Okay, kiss me Ranger Rick." I said. Lucas looked a bit nervous, and I'll admit I was too with everyone watching us.
"Do you want us to kiss like how we did last night or just kiss?" He asked clearly stalling.
"Kiss like you did last night." Josh said.
"Would you quit stalling I'm no more excited than you are let's get this over with," I said to him.
Lucas leaned in and so did I. He pressed his lips against mine and moved them. I did the same, following his lead. It started to get a little more intense. He ran his hands along my body and I put my hands in his hair. He started to bite my lip and I pulled away.
"Well?" Riley asked us.
"Who first?" Lucas asked.
"I'll go." I volunteered. They all turned to me.
"It was a nice kiss, and Lucas is a good kisser, but I didn't actually feel anything. It felt like kissing a friend, which is all it really was." I said honestly. I looked to Lucas for what he thought.
"I-I uh- I actually really liked it. It didn't feel like kissing a friend to me. I liked it, Maya." Lucas said looking at me.
"I have to go to the bathroom," Riley said and she ran off. I could see tears start to form in her eyes.
"I'll deal with you later!" I said to Lucas as I ran off to catch Riley.

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