Girl Meets Lucas

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Maya's POV
While our parents were on the honeymoon it was Riley, Auggie, and I staying at the Matthews house under the supervision of my amazing boyfriend Josh. Dad was a little hesitant at Josh and I being left alone together, but then Cory pointed out he is a hundred and ten percent sure that Farkle will show up and he's fine with Riley and Farkle being alone.
"Okay children wake up for school!" Josh came into Riley's room yelling at us to wake up. Riley and I were here along with Farkle who he and Riley came to an agreement that since they had to get married they might as well make the best out of it, and Lucas was here. I needed to get Lucas alone in the other room to tell him about the plan dad and I came up with before his wedding.
"Lucas, why don't we go eat breakfast?" I asked him after Josh left the room.
"Ok!" He said following me out. We sat down at the table and I started talking before he could even sniff his bacon.
"Look Friar I know you don't truly like me," I said.
"What do you mean, Maya?" He asked me a little to innocently, like someone who was trying to hide something. I grabbed his face and went to kiss him. I planned to kiss him and prove we had no sparks when neither of us were drunk. But something seemed off. I tasted alcohol on his breath, but as far as I knew he hadn't drank since the last party we went to about two weeks ago.
I stayed long enough to confirm what I tasted was definitely alcohol, and when I pulled away Lucas was smiling.
"The jig is up Ranger Rick, why do you taste like alcohol?" I demanded to know.
"No reason, babe." He said and started laughing.
"Lucas your drunk. Why. What have you been doing." I asked him again. Josh was starting to inch closer from the couch to hear better.
"Is it a crime to take some alcohol from your parents and drink it?" He asked me.
"Kinda! How long have you been doing this?" I asked starting to raise my voice.
"Every day since the party." He told me with no shame.
"Give me all your alcohol, Lucas! Now!" I yelled.
"You want some?" He smirked at me.
"Yes! I want it all. Please Lucas, don't be like that, give me." I said changing my tone of voice. If I couldn't reason with him in this state I would have to play the game on his terms to win. He handed me a few cleverly disguised bottles that I just thought were water in a non see through container.
"Thanks, I'll give this back later. Why don't we go ahead to school, Riley and Farkle will figure it out." I said staging him out the door both of us forgetting about breakfast. I winked at Josh on my way out to tell him not to worry and that I had this under control. If I could keep Lucas away from the bottle long enough for it to all get out of his system I could talk some sense into him and he would see that he only likes me when his thoughts are clouded.
Lucas's POV
I need a drink. Where is Maya. Why did I give her all of my bottles? I need them!
"Hey Lucas," Riley said coming up to me before class started.
"Hi." I said looking into her beautiful brown eyes in a way I haven't in a while. I felt a nervous laugh slip out of me and wondered where it came from. I seriously needed a drink as soon as possible. Maya finally walked through the door with my bottle. It was timed so she walked in with the bell and I had to wait until after class to get my bottle from her, if I could last that long. I was already starting to feel the effects from lack of alcohol.
"Maya, I really need my bottle back, right now." I said as soon as class ended.
"Why does Maya have your water?" Farkle asked from next to us.
"Oh, she forgot hers, so I let her borrow mine, but I'm really thirsty right now so I need it back." I said trying to get my message across to her without revealing myself to Farkle.
Maya's POV
"What seems to be the problem here?" Mr. Feeny came us behind us and asked. He was subbing for Cory while he was on the honeymoon. I never thought I would be happier to see a teacher.
"Mr. Feeny, take this and don't give it to Lucas!" I said giving him the bottle.
"Miss Hunter, I'm afraid I don't-" Mr. Feeny began but I cut him off.
"Please, Mr. Feeny, trust me! I need you not to give that to Lucas." I said pleading with him. He must have realized the desperation in my eyes because he locked it away in his drawer.
"Why can't Lucas have water?" Riley asked.
"It's not water. Let's go." I said walking out the door.
Later I brought Lucas back to the Matthews with me to make sure he couldn't get any more back at his house. I could tell it was nearly out of him, but he was dying for more.
I knew Riley and Farkle were out on a date and wouldn't be back for a while, and Josh and Auggie were out bowling.
"Sit." I commanded Lucas. He sat.
"Lucas you have a problem." I told him. I was prepared for him to deny this, but he surprised me.
"I know," was all he said.
"Well that makes this easier. Lucas, now with it all out of your system, tell me if you feel anything during this." I said and quickly kissed him.
"The only thing I felt was a wish that you were Riley." He said to me. Then realization swarmed over him.
"Crap! I really screwed up! Riley is marrying Farkle! It's all my fault!" He started to yell.
"Calm down, I have a plan. But I'm gonna need a few things from you. The first and most important thing is that you stop drinking. Can you do that?" I asked him.
"If you help me, I think I can." He nodded.
"I'll help you. What are friends for?" I told him.
"Your a really great friend. I can't believe in my clouded state of mind I saw you as anything more than a great friend, no offense," he said quickly adding the no offense part. I laughed.
"None taken Ranger Rick. Now I'm gonna need a few more things from you." I told him.

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