Girl Meets Plot Twist

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Cory's POV
"My Shawn there you are!" I said. The girls were both asleep on our last night on the honeymoon so I went to go take Shawn on a walk on the beach.
"Cory are you hiding something from me?" Shawn asked me.
"No, darling what would I hide from you?" I asked him.
"Well Topanga's been a little moody lately so I was wondering if something's going on between you two." He said to me.
"Well, we haven't fought or anything if that's what your implying. But I see what you mean by she's moody. And has she ever liked pineapple in the past?" I asked.
"Cory how are her jeans fitting?" Shawn asked me. What a weird question.
"Now that you mention it a little small." I answered honestly.
"Cory how would you feel if these two waffles got slathered up in butter and made a baby waffle?" He asked.
"Shawn we're not even eating waffles! And last time you said that you were implying Topanga was pregnant, which she was not, and you remember how that one turned out! Besides we already have Riley and Auggie we don't need a third! We're still in college! Wait that was he first time this happened... You know what I mean! Shawn what do I do?" I went on into a panic.
"Calm down my dear sweet Cory. What you do is this time we actually talk to Topanga." He said.
"Yeah. We. Let's go back to my room and wake her up."
"Topy wake up!" I shouted jumping on the bed.
"Mmm yes Cory?" She said yawning. Then she saw Shawn.
"Shawn! What are you doing here?" She shouted pulling the blanket up.
"We have a serious question for you," Shawn said.
"Yes?" She asked.
"Topanga, how would you feel if these two waffles got slathered up in butter and made a baby waffle?" Shawn asked.
"What the hell Shawn? Are you implying you and Cory want a child?" She asked.
"No were implying we think you're pregnant." I said.
"How'd you know?" She asked me.
"This guy," I pointed at Shawn.
"Yes, I'm pregnant." She said.
"We're having a baby!" I shouted throwing my arms up and looking at Shawn.
"We are!" Shawn shouted hugging back.
"Hey how about letting the one that's actually carrying the baby in on the hug?" Topanga asked.
"Yeah one more sec," I said to her.
"My whole life," she rolled her eyes.
Riley's POV
Today was the day of my wedding to Farkle. My dad planned it so that it would be exactly a week after they get home from their honeymoon. I was honestly shocked when they told me I would be having a younger brother or sister, but I can't wait until they do. Although I don't think anyone is more excited than Shawn. He's already promised that this time he's gonna be around from the baby's birth till marriage.
"You look great Riles," Maya told me as she was putting the finishing touched on my makeup. With one final ruffle of my hair she went to go put on her own dress and do her own makeup. In roughly two hours I would be Mrs. Farkle Minkus, like it or not.
Nearly thirty minutes later Maya ran into the room half dressed.
"Riley I have terrible news!" She said clearly out of breath from running.
"What is it Maya? Is anyone hurt?" I asked worried.
"No, no one's hurt, but Lucas isn't coming." She said. My face fell. Why wouldn't Lucas be here?
"He was the best man! I always thought he would be at my wedding. Sure, I thought he was gonna be the groom, but at least he was still gonna be here today! But now he's not!" I felt tears start to well up in my eyes.
"No, sweetie don't cry, don't ruin your makeup over Lucas. I'm sure someone else can be the best man, don't worry about a thing." Maya comforted me.
"Did somebody say best man?" My uncle Josh came into the room and posed like a superhero.
"Actually we did. Uncle Josh will you be the best man? Lucas bailed on us." I asked him.
"Of course. Anything for my niece. I'll just ask Eric to step in for me as a groomsman." He told me. I relaxed.
Another hour and a half later I was about to be walked down the aisle. My dad refused to do this without Shawn there too, so both of them were walking me down the aisle. I reached the end and stopped in front of Farkle. The marriage guy said a bunch of words about things I wasn't really listening to. When I started to listen was when he said,
"If anyone has any reason these two should not be together speak now or forever hold your peace," I prayed somebody would speak up, but I had long ago resigned to the fact that nobody would. I was preparing myself to have no way out of this life with Farkle when out of the corner of my eye I saw someone stand up.
"I do." The person said. They were wearing a ski mask to hide their face but when they took it off I wasn't surprised by who it was. I would know that voice anywhere. What surprised me is I thought he liked Maya.
"Riley Matthews, I've done some pretty bad stuff since the party where I kissed Maya because I was drunk, but now I realize that you are the only one I love. So I don't think you should be marrying Farkle and I know you don't think you should be either. I love you Riley." Lucas said to me stepping closer with every word until he was right in front of me.
"I love you too, Lucas," I said back to him. He leaned in and kissed my lips. It was a feeling I missed.
"Well no use wasting a honeymoon, Lucas and Riley go have fun and don't come home pregnant." Maya said practically kicking us out the door.
"You planned this didn't you," I said to her. She nodded and sent us off on our way.
"What is this? We aren't married, technically," I said to Lucas.
"Yeah, but we can still have a nice time as long as we, what did Maya say? 'Don't come back pregnant' ? Think we can do that?" He asked me with a laughing smirk.
"I dunno might be hard." I smirked back.
"I like a challenge." He said to me and we were off.
A/N the real plot twist of this chapter is that the chapter name led you to believe there would only be one 😉

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