Girl Meets Trouble

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Riley's POV
"Maya what do I do?" I asked her nearly in tears.
"You should have listened to my warning." She told me.
"I know, I know it was a just a heat of the moment thing and I was being stupid and now I'm stuck."
"Okay, there are a few options. One, we chance telling your parents and see what they say. Two, we tell Josh. Three, we actually tell Lucas. All three people have to know eventually it's just where do you want to start?" Maya asked me. I shook my head. I had no clue where to even begin.
"Riley?" I heard someone say from outside the window. Crap I thought recognizing the voice immediately.
"Yes Farkle?" I asked nervously.
"You're seriously pregnant?" Farkle asked me. I nodded and looked at my feet.
"Well that solved who we tell first," maya noted.
"Maya you pick my option." I said to her.
"Let's tell Lucas. Makes sense that he should know, don't you think?" Maya asked me. I nodded again.
"Wanna come, Farkle?" I asked him. He nodded saying yes.
I texted Lucas telling him to meet in the park and we headed over.
"Hey," I said sitting down next to him on the bench.
"Hey, what did you want to tell me?" He asked.
"Okay, you remember the vacation right?" I began slowly.
"Yeah..." He said becoming confused. I opened my mouth but couldn't get any words out.
"Just spit it out Riles, the sooner the better." Maya nudged me.
"Lucas I'm pregnant." I blurted out. His face was blank and I became worried that he was going to get mad or upset or both. I started crying and felt Maya stroke my hair to try and calm me down.
"Riley, I'm not mad. Don't cry, I'm right here. Come here Riley." Lucas sad hugging me. I just kept crying this whole thing feeling more and more real by the moment.
"Who knows?" Lucas asked me.
"Just me, you, and Farkle," Maya answered for me.
"And Riley is about to decide if we go tell her parents or Josh next." Farkle added.
"Stop pressuring me!" I snapped.
"We can tell Uncle Josh." I added with my time of voice a little softer.
"Do you want us all to come?" Farkle asked.
"Just Maya. I'll talk to you guys later. I love you Lucas." I said to the boys giving Lucas a quick kiss.
"C'mon Riles let's go." Maya said grabbing my arm.
When we got to Josh's dorm at NYU he was in there but he had company.
"Hey Uncle Josh, hey Uncle Eric!" I said addressing both of them.
"Hey niche!" Uncle Eric greeted me and Uncle Josh shook his head laughing at his older brother.
"What brings you here Riley?" Uncle Josh asked me.
"I wanted to tell you something." I said to him.
"What is it?" He asked. I looked over at Uncle Eric trying to signal Uncle Josh that I didn't want to tell Uncle Eric too.
"I see what you're doing niche. You don't want to tell me cause you think I'll tell your daddy. You are 100% right. I'll leave. See ya niche and mohesha." Uncle Eric said and he left. After he closed the door behind him I turned to Uncle Josh.
"So what's bugging you?" He asked me.
"Well, I got myself into a bit of a problem and I don't know what to do." I said vaguely.
"And what is this problem?" He sled me.
"Don't tell my parents," I told him.
"I won't," he assured me.
"Uncle Josh, I'm pregnant with Lucas's kid." I said dropping the huge bomb on him. Clearly he wasn't expecting something so huge, so his expression turned to one of shock.
"Why didn't you listen to Maya?" He asked me. Those two really were perfect for each other.
"At least tell me Lucas knows," Uncle Josh begged.
"Yes," I said proud I had at least handled one thing right.
"Kid, you gotta tell your parents." He told me.
"I know..." I trailed off. I didn't want to. Maybe they wouldn't notice. No, how could they not. I had to tell them, no use putting it off.
A/N this story only has between 2-4 chapters left in it so I'm amping up the drama. Wish Riley luck!

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