Girl Meets Rucas

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Lucas's POV
Riley and I were at the same resort Cory, Shawn, Topanga, and Katy were all just at. The same place Cory and Topanga went on for their original honeymoon, too. It was truly a beautiful place.
"Riley, if we get married, I want to honeymoon here," I said to her when we woke up one morning.
"We should have just used the wedding and gotten married, me and you." She said to me. I shook my head.
"I want my moment to be my moment," I said remembering the school play long ago.
"You mean you don't think right here is your moment?" She asked me.
"Nah, this is because of other people. My moment will be completely because of me," I explained to her. She smiled.
"Can we sleep a little longer?" She asked laying her head back down on the pillow.
"Sure thing, princess," I said to her. I leaned down and kissed her quickly then later down to go back to sleep with my arm around her.
"Riley," I said quietly after laying there for a minute.
"Yeah Lucas?" She asked me.
"I love you," I told her looking right into her eyes. She opened her mouth to answer back but I continued talking.
"I love you, not Maya or any other girl. I'm never going to drink again because the only reason I was drinking and convincing myself I liked Maya was that I thought I lost you, especially after seeing you with Farkle. But now you're right here and I love you Riley."
"I love you too Lucas. I never loved Farkle. It was an act to get you back that my dad didn't quite get the memo. I love you Lucas." She smiled. I kissed her again and we nearly forgot Maya's instructions.
Maya's POV
"I wonder if they're having a good time," I said to Josh as we were out on our smoothie date.
"What kind of good time?" He asked laughing.
"Don't worry I warned them." I laughed back.
"Maya you got smoothie in your hair" Josh pointed out to me.
"What?" I asked looking down at my hair. I didn't see any smoothie.
"Haha made you look! But you seriously do have a little on your face," he said laughing. I went to grab a napkin but he said,
"No let me get it," he picked up the napkin and was about to put it on my face when he suddenly put the napkin down and kissed me instead.
"Smooth," I laughed when we pulled apart.
"I know," he said.
"You're adorable, you know that?" I said to him.
"No more adorable than you," he said back to me.
"Stop being so smooth!" I jokingly yelled at him.
"Never," he said back flinging a bit of smoothie at me.
"It's on!" I said loudly flinging some back at him. It escalated quickly and before we knew it management was escorting us out of the smoothie store.
As soon as we were out of the store we took one look at each other and began to crack up.
"I guess I can cross being kicked out of someplace off my bucket list, how about you?" I joked.
"It was never really on my bucket list but I can still say it's something I've done," he said between out of breath laughs.
"Why don't we go drive around town?" Josh suggested.
"Sounds like a plan," I said.
"Then what are we waiting for?" Josh asked grabbing my hand and dragging me to his car. We drove around for hours with no destination, just having fun and jamming to the radio.
Riley's POV (three days later when Lucas and Riley get home)
"Are you sure?" Maya asked me.
"Yeah," I said back to her.
"Riley, your screwed," she said.
"I know," I said back.

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