Girl Meets Party

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Maya's POV
Party time! The whole car ride to the party Riley was gushing about all the cool things she was gonna do at the cool party with the cool kids and she was gonna be cool. I didn't tell her that there was gonna be alcohol at this party, she would have totally flipped. My plan was to tell her afterwards that she was drinking.
"Guys fair warning Riley doesn't know there's alcohol at this party, and it's up to the Riley Committee to keep it that way, okay?" I warned Farkle and Lucas. I told Josh beforehand, so there was no worry there.
"What are you gonna do if she gets herself drunk?" Lucas asked me.
"It's up to the Riley Committee to not let that happen, unless the Riley Committee wants to get themselves busted." I whispered back at him.
"Guys what are you talking about?" Riley asked turning away from the window.
"Look Riley! Pretty bird!" I shouted pointing back out the window making her completely forget about her question.
"I don't see a bird. Oh well. We're gonna have so much fun tonight! Right guys!" Riley shouted.
"Yeah!" We all said and I put my hands in the air.
"Josh, turn up the radio!" Farkle said. He dialed up the volume and the car was blasting with the pop 100 charts. We sang and jammed in the car until we got to the party.
"Ready for your first mature party?" I asked Riley,
"Her dress says she is," Lucas laughed. Riley jokingly shoved Lucas and he stumbled back a bit.
"Oh it's on!" He shouted. He stepped toward Riley and she backed up thinking he was going to shove her back but instead he kissed her on the lips. They were standing there kissing for a moment before Lucas's hands began to travel.
"Get a room!" Farkle yelled
We headed into the party and immediately Farkle went off in search of Smackle. We agreed to meet back at the entrance at 1:00 and at 1:30 to look for each other if one of us didn't show up.
Riley's POV
We had been at the party for nearly an hour. I had long since lost track of Maya and Josh. I had been dancing with Lucas the whole time.
"Let's get something to drink I'm so thirsty," I said to Lucas. We made our way through the crowd over to the drink table.
"Aww they put the drinks in tiny little cups!" I said. It was so cute! But just one was not nearly thirst quenching enough so I had a few.
"Woah Riles, not so many!" Lucas said.
"Why not? Im thirsty!" I told him.
"But then you might have to go to the bathroom and I don't want to loose you," he told me. That made sense, so I didn't have another one. We danced for awhile longer. At one point we ran into Josh and Maya for a second and we got some drinks with them. Maya had almost a whole tray of the tiny cups, she must have been so thirsty! But compared to how many Lucas had it was nothing. Josh didn't have any, I guess he wasn't very thirsty. I had a few more but they kept stopping me for some reason.
We separated again after that. Lucas and I went to go sit on the couch for awhile. After sitting for just a second Lucas couldn't sit still any more. He put his arm around me and started kissing me. I missed him back. He pulled me into his lap and we kissed for a while. It was fun!
"Lucas I gotta go to the bathroom, don't go far!" I told him and I headed off to the bathroom.
Lucas's POV
Riley was heading to the bathroom so I decided to wander around on my own for a few minutes. I went to the drink tanks to grab another shot. While I was there I ran into a certain blonde headed girl.
"Hey where's Josh?" I asked her.
"Bathroom. Where's my Riles?" She asked me.
"Same place. Wanna dance while we wait for them?" I asked her taking another shot. She repeated my actions and said okay. I lead her out to the dance floor. I had never seen her in this kind of lighting before. It really suited her well. I noticed the slightly smudged red lipstick on her lips and suddenly longed to kiss them. I leaned in tasting the alcohol on our breath mix and put my lips against hers. It was a kiss unlike any one I had felt before. I could tell by the way she kissed she knew what she was doing. I took the kiss a level higher to show some control. But she was her and wouldn't allow that. She fought back making the kiss even more amazing.
Maya's POV
What was I doing? Was I kissing him?Riley's boyfriend? I had my own boyfriend! But he was in the bathroom. So was his girlfriend. They would never find out. He was trying to play games with me. I couldn't let him be the one in-charge here. His breath tasted like alcohol, or maybe it was my own, but I loved every bit of it. I put my hands in his hair as he ran his hands down my body. I never wanted him to stop, it felt to good.
"Lucas..." I heard myself whisper
"Don't speak Maya. Just kiss." He whispered back. For once, I obeyed.
Riley's POV
"Oh hey Uncle Josh. Where's Maya?" I asked Uncle Josh when I ran into him coming out of the bathroom.
"I left her over by the drinks to go to the bathroom." He said. Then he added
"Where's Lucas?"
"Probably by the drinks too, by now." I said laughing.
"Let's go see if we can find them," he said. We made our way over to the drinks table but didn't see them.
"Maybe they met each other here and went out to the dance floor." I suggested.
"Yeah let's look," he said. I grabbed a little cup and we went to go look.
"Hey Riles I think that's Lucas over there. Uh-oh." He said.
"Uh-oh? What uh-oh." I said turning. Uncle Josh tried to stop me but it was too late. I saw Lucas, and he was kissing somebody.
"Come with me," I said. We walked closer to see who he was kissing.
"Maya?" I shouted in complete disbelief.
"What are you doing? Lucas! Maya! I don't know who to be mad at!" I cried feeling tears start to come up. I looked over at Uncle Josh who had his mouth wide open.
"Riles, look at me. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, I just-" Maya tried to explain.
"Save it, slut." I snapped. I immediately was shocked at myself and I could see the others were too. I never said things like that, what had gotten into me?
"I'm a slut? Okay, Riley, well your being a bitch." Maya snapped back at me.
"Maya why?" Josh said finally speaking. I had never seen my amazing uncle look so heartbroken and upset.
"I'm the bitch? Your the one that just broke my Uncle's heart." I said coming to his defense.
"Riley, please," Lucas spoke looking right at me. I ignored him.
"Uncle Josh I want to go home now." I said.
"That sounds like a good idea, c'mon Riley. Let's go find Farkle. These two can find another ride." He said.
Josh's POV
The ride home was quiet. Riley sat in the back sobbing into Farkle's shirt with phrases like
"Maya's a total slut" and "she's such a bitch" and "I hate him" all things I never thought I would hear her say. I began to wonder how much she had to drink. I didn't have any, since I had to drive home, but I think she had some more than she really should have. This was gonna be fun when we got home.
When we went through the front door a little while later Cory was in the living room.
"You guys are home early. Where are Maya and Lucas?" He asked.
"Dead I hope! I never wanna see them again! She's such a-" Riley was getting into it again so I cut her off quickly.
"There was a little trouble tonight, to put it lightly." I said.
"Is that your way of saying if you tell what happened you'll all be in huge trouble?" Cory asked.
"Yeah..." I confessed. Better to own up now than make things worse at this point.
"Can you tell me exactly what happened to cause this if I promise not to tell until you are completely finished?"
"Yes, but first I gotta get this out there. Yes Riley is drunk, and you can't punish her for this. She had no clue there was alcohol, we didn't tell her. It's my fault for not realizing she would drink a lot not knowing it was alcoholic, so add that to the punishment I'm going to get." I said.
"Go on..." Cory said clearly mad.
"Okay, so when we got there Farkle went off to find Smackle. Then Maya and I went off one way, Lucas and Maya another. We saw each other once at the drink table. Maya and Lucas were drinking almost all the shots and Riley was having a couple. I didn't have any because I knew I had to drive later, I'm not a total idiot. We separated again and I later ran into Riley at the bathroom. We went to look for them by the drinks but didn't see them. I spotted Lucas, but then realized he was kissing someone. I tried to turn Riley away but she saw. We went over to see who he was kissing. He was kissing Maya. And not just kissing they were practically making out on the dance floor. Riley started crying and screaming and yelling curses out all at once, which is what started to tip me off that she was drunk. The way Maya and Lucas were acting it couldn't be plainer that they were beyond drunk. Riley said she wanted to go home. I was hurt too by Maya and agreed. We went to find Farkle and left them to find their own ride home." I finished the story.
"Okay, before is start yelling, I'm
going to go call Shawn to make sure he gets them. Them I'm going to have him bring them here and then I kill you all." Cory said. I nodded accepting whatever punishment lied in my future.

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