Girl meets the happy couple

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Maya's POV
"Riley, c'mon hurry! Shawn said go right after school!" I bugged Riley. She finally got a move on and we were off to Topanga's.
"We're here!" I said to Shawn.
"I'm glad you are because I've got some important stuff to take care of. I'll be back in ten minutes. Bye Katy I'll be back in a few." Shawn said kissing my mom.
"Hey mom how's work?" I asked her jumping up onto the seat by the counter.
"Same as always how was school today girls?" She asked us as she turned to get us hot chocolates, like always.
"It was good. Really interesting today. Everyone showed up. First just Josh and Shawn, then Mr. Feeny, then Eric and Topanga. Matthews tried teaching us about France but we had an American party and I'm still pulling glitter out of my hair." I told her. She set the mugs down in front of us.
"If I didn't know how odd you people are I might ask for more details, but I know enough to prefer you keep it vague." My mom laughed.
"How much do you like Shawn?" Riley asked my mom. If Riley blew the surprise I would kill her.
"Well, umm..." My mom thought.
"On a scale of 1-10 how much do you like him?" Riley asked again.
"I would have to say a ten. Possibly even eleven." She said.
"Mmmhmmmm," Riley nodded.
Suddenly the door sprung open behind us. Shawn came in holding a bouquet of balloons and roses. Behind him was Cory holding a little stereo playing my moms's favorite song. Cory was smiling like an idiot and Shawn looked almost nervous. Before stopping in front of my mom he looked quickly at me. I nodded encouraging him to go on.
"Katy Hart," he said.
"Two years ago we met and I instantly fell in love. After an ex from college I thought I would never love again but you proved me wrong. You showed me true love. Not only that but I became close to Maya. I love you and Maya very very much so Katy," he got down on one knee and opened the ring box.
"Will you marry me?" He asked. My mom's mouth was dropped open in shock. Cory was smiling still, Topanga looking over the counter curiously, and Riley's expression mirrored her dad's. I held my breath for my mother's answer.
"Yes, Shawn. I will." She answered. Eric, Josh, and Mr. Feeny came in clapping with a banner that said "congratulations!" And Cory, Topanga, Riley, and I cheered. I think I cheered loudest of all. Shawn gave my mom a kiss and then invited me over to join them.
"How do you feel about calling me dad?" He asked me with a smile.
"I would love it, dad." I smiled back. Something inside of me felt complete. I had a dad now. A dad and a mom. A family.
"Smile!" Riley said pointing a camera at us. She snapped the picture on her camera. I smiled a big, huge, real smile standing in between my two parents. Two parents. Not one. Not one half parent. Two full parents that loved me and I loved them. A real smile.
Shawn's POV
"You're getting married, Shawnie." Cory said to me later that night.
"Yeah, I am. Any advice?" I asked. Now that it really sunk in, I was beginning to get a little nervous. I had no intention of backing out, for once I was going to stay, but I was nervous.
"Yeah, it's the best thing ever. You get to go on an amazing honeymoon and always be with each other and take on the world together. But I'm not gonna lie, Shawnie, it can be a little tough planning it all. But so worth it when you see the bride in her dress. The love of your life about to be yours forever," Cory told me.
"Cory I'm nervous." I told him.
"It's okay, I was too. And I'll be here for you the whole way. Even with wives were still Cory and Shawn, okay? So hug me and we can go talk to Katy." Cory said. We hugged each other and I could almost hear Topanga laugh like she would if she saw us.
Topanga's POV
I was talking to Katy during the late night shift at the cafe.
"The most important thing you should know is that even though your married to Shawn, he's basically married to Cory. The sooner you accept that, the better." I told Katy.
"Oh trust me, everyone knows that." She laughed.
"I'm not exaggerating. I married Cory, I pretty much got Shawn too. You marry Shawn, and your getting Cory with that. Sometimes I'm pretty sure he loves Shawn more than he loves me." I joked.
"Oh I've heard stories. One time Maya told me she found them hiding in the janitor's closet at school." Katy laughed.
"That's nothing! I can't even begin to tell you the situations I've found them in. The weirdest by far was one night we had Shawn stay over and when I woke up I had been pushed to the very edge of the bed, Cory was sandwiched in the middle, and Shawn was on the other end of the bed! When I went to sleep Shawn was on the couch!" I told her laughing hysterical as I remembered the experience.
"My favorite part is when they try to explain themselves," I added. I looked at the clock and noticed it was time to go.
"Do you wanna come back to my house for a little bit?" I asked her.
"I'd love to." She answered. We walked home and opened the door to find that Cory and Shawn had fallen asleep on the couch. They were laying side by side, Shawn hugging Cory like a teddy-bear. Before waking them up, I quickly snapped a picture.
"For the Cory and Shawn album. It has pictures of every time they do this. But don't tell them, they don't know about it." I told Katy.
"I would love to see that sometime." She laughed. We then woke the pair up.
"Hello you two lovers," I said as they opened their eyes.
"Topanga! We were just.. Talking..." Cory tried to defend himself.
"Katy! Cory is just Cory I promise!" Shawn tried too. Katy and I laughed at his pathetic their defenses were.
"It's okay, I know your also married to Cory and I guess I just gotta share you," Katy said trying to keep a straight face.
"It's Mr. and Mr. Cory." I laughed.
"Go back to sleep you two. We'll be in the kitchen." I said. They obeyed laying back on the couch, but this time Cory held Shawn like a teddy-bear. I quickly snapped another picture and headed to the kitchen with Katy. I pulled the Cory and Shawn album out from its hiding spot and added the two pictures. Then I flipped through showing Katy all the pictures and telling her the stories behind the funniest ones. We laughed all night and before I knew it, it was 3 in the morning. The boys were still sound asleep on the couch and I tiptoed into mine and Cory's bedroom to go to sleep after Katy left.

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