Girl Meets Cory's Ship

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Cory's POV
"Honey why are the kids being so over dramatic? First Lucas likes Riley then he likes Maya but she likes Josh and Josh is with her, but Riley is now with Farkle to win Lucas back, but Lucas still likes Maya and I don't know!" I said to my wife, completely exasperated over this whole ordeal.
"Why can't Riley just end up with Farkle? Cowboy wasn't doing her any favors," I added going to open the door to our apartment after coming back from spending the night with Shawn.
"I don't know, Cory, just let them sort this out. It'll all calm down and however it's meant to play out is how it will play out, okay? Be patient." My lovely wife told me. I went into the apartment and went to the kitchen.
"Riley are you up yet?" Topanga called up the stairs. No answer.
"I guess she isn't. Let me go check on her." I said getting up from the table. I walked up the stairs and opened the door to Riley's room.
"Hey Riley we're- What the Farkle?" I exclaimed. Why was Farkle in Riley's bed. My scream startled them. Farkle fell out of bed and Riley sat up, confirming they both still had clothes on.
"Daddy it's not what it looks like!" Was the first thing Riley said to me.
"Oh. My. Shawn." I said. I had been shipping Riarkle since they met. I thought they were just faking but this was way, way better.
"Mr. Matthews..." Farkle said.
"This is great! Topy come here!" I shouted completely ecstatic.
"Cory what is the big de- what the Farkle?" Topanga exclaimed similar to me.
"Mom it's not what it looks like!" Riley exclaimed again.
"It looks like your father caught you and Farkle in bed and started to fangirl. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you weren't stupid and leave it at that." Topanga said. Riley could have had little Farkle triplets and I would still be happy. Riarkle was real!
"I'm not stupid mom, I promise nothing happened." Riley said.
"Cory how about we go downstairs, ok?" Topanga asked me
"Ok. Have fun you two!" I called back at them.
Farkle's POV
What did Mr. Matthews think happened? All that actually happened was we slept. And Riley smacked me in the face with a pillow saying I was snoring but that was it. Oh and I think I got a butt bruise from falling out of bed when Mr. Matthews scared the crap out of me.
"Riley I'm sorry," I apologized.
"Don't be. I don't think my dad cared very much. I think he was too excited that Riarkle or whatever he calls us is finally happening to realize the bigger picture that a) I had a boy in my bed and b) I'm grounded as of midnight last night." She said assuring me it was all okay. Suddenly the bay window opened.
"Hey Riles do you wanna go to- what the Farkle?" She said.
"If one more person comes in here and says 'what the Farkle' I am gonna seriously loose it!" I shouted.
"Okay, okay, chill Farkle. Do you guys wanna sneak out to a party tonight?" She asked.
"Maya, I'm grounded." Riley pointed out.
"So? That's the whole point of sneaking out. C'mon doesn't new Riley like a little danger?" She asked Riley.
"Yeah. She does. Farkle we're going to that party. On one condition," Riley said. We looked at her.
"Maya, no kissing Farkle." Riley continued, dead serious.
"Wouldn't dream of it. I feel obligated to tell you Riles, there will be alcohol at this one too." Maya said.
"There better be, what kind of party would it be otherwise?" Riley asked. I shrugged in agreement.
Riley's POV
It was getting late and Farkle had spent the day here, to my dad's request.
"This is absolutely Shawntastic!" He exclaimed.
"Cory, I love how you use my name as an adjective and noun and everything else, but I think you need to cut back a bit." Shawn said coming through the front door.
"Now what is so Shawntastic this time?" He asked.
"Well, Shawnie, nothing is more Shawntastic than you, but I was saying that Riley and Farkle are finally together!" My dad exclaimed jumping up and down and pointing at Farkle and I.
"I brought the movie, Cor," Shawn said changing the subject.
"Goodie!" My dad said.
Farkle and I watched the movie with my dad and Shawn for a little bit but halfway through we had to go.
"Dad Farkle has to go. And I'm tired so I'm going to bed after he leaves, goodnight daddy!" I said. Farkle and I both left for my room. He always leaves through the window so nobody questioned it. We left my dad and Shawn with their arms around each other watching some romance film that I can't even remember the name of.
"Are you sure those two aren't married?" Farkle asked me on the way up the stairs.
"No, trust me. They are." I laughed. After setting up a bunch of pillows to look like me and I changed into clothes that better suited a party, we headed out through the bay window to where Maya was waiting for us.
"Shall we?" Maya said linking arms with me.
"We shall," I said and we were off.
Lucas's POV
There she was. Across the floor. If I could get a conversation with her, and maybe get her to drink a little bit, I could get things going.

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