Gile Meets Ring

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Riley's POV
"Okay, Farkle, don't take this the wrong way but I have absolutely no desire to marry you." I said to Farkle after we slipped away from the commotion outside into my room.
"I get it Riles. I always dreamed of you being my queen but not like this. I wanted it to be a real thing not some arranged marriage based off a pretend relationship." Farkle agreed with me.
"Yeah, about that. Aside from the fact that we're now engaged, where do we stand in our relationship?" I asked him.
"I don't know Riley. I know this started out to make Lucas jealous, but I felt something real the other night and thought maybe you were actually falling for me but then Lucas showed up later that day and I didn't know anymore." Farkle said to me.
"I thought I was falling for you too that night, but then I was thinking about Lucas and I didn't know what to do either Farkle. But I guess since we're getting married I might as well accept that I'm supposed to be with you and not Lucas." I said to Farkle
"I guess I have my queen. Step two: take over the world." Farkle joked and I laughed with him.
"They always say life has a funny way of working itself out, so I know that everything is gonna end up exactly how it's supposed to be in the end." I told Farkle.
"For our parents sake we should act like we're excited about this marriage," Farkle pointed out and I nodded in agreement. I stood up and held my hand out to him. He grabbed it and we walked back out into the thick of things.
"Riley! There you are! We're taking you and Farkle to look at rings!" My dad said.
"Cory, let the kid go by herself. She's 16, Cor." Shawn said
"Thank you, Uncle Shawn." I said.
"Send pictures!" My dad shouted as Shawn ushered us out the door.
Shawn's POV
I think it was great that those kids liked eachother so much. Now not only was I getting married in a week, but they were too whenever they're date is.
"Cory I need to tell you something," I told him.
"Bay window bay window right now!" He shouted dragging me into Riley's room.
"Cor this is your daughter's room!" I pointed out.
"So? It's my house, therefore my bay window. Now spill," he said sitting us both down at the window.
"I'm getting married in a week what do I do?" I asked Cory.
"Well for starters, you take a deep breath Shawnie," Cory said to me. I did.
"Now what?" I asked him.
"You go talk to the person you love." He told me.
"That would be you, Cor." He laughed.
"Funny, I said the same thing about you years ago." He said to me.
"Come here man!" I said pulling him in for a bro hug.
"Marry me Shawnie," He said to me.
"Cor, your with Topanga and I'm
With Katy. Besides were already practically married." I pointed out to him. 
"Your right. Let's have a sleepover at your place today. We have to get the most out of it before Katy and Maya move in!" He suggested and I had an idea.
"Yeah and let's stop next door and say hi to Feeny while we're at it." I said. We left the window and went into the main room.
"Bye Topanga Shawnie and I are going to his place!" Cory yelled over his shoulder at his wife as we were walking out.
"C'mon Mr. Dangerous we have a certain old Feeny to visit before we can go to my place and chill," I hurried him along.
Farkle's POV
Riley and I were in the jewelry store looking at ring after ring. None of them seemed right for a couple that didn't even want to be here.
"Look at this one," I said to Riley pointing at a nice ring. It was a ordinary silver band but had small diamonds going around the edge. Simple and classy.
"I love it Farkle." She told me. I payed for that ring and we got in the car to go home.
"Riley do you think our parents will want us to have kids one day?" I asked her a question that's was in the back of my mind while we were ring shopping.
"I don't know... Maybe we can adopt," she said clearly catching on to what I meant.
"Yeah. I'm sorry your stuck with me for the rest of your life," I apologized to her knowing she was the kind of girl who would want a relationship that was her choice and full of true love. This wasn't her choice, and although we loved each other it was more the way you love a friend.
"It could be worse. You could have been some creepy kid or something I dunno. My point is it could be worse." She laughed. We were back at her house and walking though the front door.
"Let me see the ring!" Mr. Matthews screamed before we had even taken off our jackets. Riley held up her hand awkwardly as everyone admired it.
"Bay window bay window right now," she said grabbing Maya by the arm and pulling her to her room.
Maya's POV
"What Riles?" I asked her the second we sat down.
"I don't want to marry Farkle." She said. I knew she didn't. I knew all she wanted was Lucas back even if she wasn't sure herself.
"It will be okay Riley, Farkle can't be that bad, can he?" I asked her. I had to get her to think there was no way out so when I fixed everything it would work perfectly.
"Farkle and I are gonna pretend we want to get married but I don't want to have kids with him Maya!" She said starting to cry.
"Shhh sweetie it'll be okay. Maya will make everything right, just trust me. The only thing you have to do is make the best out of marrying Farkle and I'll fix everything okay?" I said to her. She nodded. I grabbed a few tissues and wiped her eyes.
"Now speaking of weddings, aren't you excited for my mom and dad to get married!" I asked her.
"Yes! I can't wait! Pretty dresses, happy people, music! Happy Riley things!" She said. I laughed.
"Well you get to do all those things at your own wedding and you get to pick the prettiest dresses ever. And I have to wear whatever you tell me to." I told her. She smiled.
"Let's go!" She said pulling me back out to where all the others were.

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