Girl Meets Problems

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Maya's POV
"What the hell were you all thinking?" Cory yelled at Josh, Lucas, Farkle, Riley, and me.
"Have you lost your minds?" Dad added.
"Riley's never done anything bad before what do we do now?" Cory asked dad.
"I don't know I'm new at this! How about they go in a circle and say what they did or something." Dad suggested.
"It's a start!" Topanga agreed coming into the living room with mom.
"Hi mom..." Riley and I both said at the same time then we glared at each other.
"You first!" Topanga pointed at Farkle.
"I went to the party and I left Josh like I said I wouldn't then I snuck off with Smackle." Farkle said. We looked at the person next to him, Riley.
"I left Josh's side, and apparently drank even though I had no clue those little tiny cups had alcohol in them." She said. We looked to Josh.
"I let them all leave my side, and I let them all underage drink, and I failed to tell Riley there was alcohol. But, I didn't drink at all myself so I cold drive legally, just putting that out there." He said. Next was Lucas.
"I left Josh's side, I drank a lot, I left Riley and made out with Maya. And I liked it." Lucas said. I blushed a little bit. They all turned to me last.
"I drank, and liked it, I kissed Josh a bit. I left Josh, well actually he left me so he could go to the bathroom. Then I made out with Lucas and enjoyed myself." I stayed with no regrets.
"Hoh boy, this is worse than I thought," Topanga said.
"Well Riley your grounded for a week for leaving Josh. Josh your grounded for 1 week for letting them leave you, 2 weeks for letting them drink, and another week for not telling Riley about the alcohol." Cory said.
"Okay, a month. I accept that." Josh said.
"I let you off easier for setting a good example not to drink and drive." He added.
"Ok." Was all Riley said.
"And Maya, your grounded for 2 weeks for drinking, another for becoming completely drunk, 1 week for making out with Lucas, and a week for attitude." Dad said.
"How'd I do?" He added asking Cory, who gave him a thumbs up. I stared at my dad. I stared really hard. And then I got mad. Not at him. I still love him. At Riley.
"Riley gets off easy cause she's little miss perfect! And I get blamed for Riley being drunk! I didn't tell her to drink! And so what if I kissed Lucas!" I yelled.
"You slut!" Riley shouted at me.
"Get another insult, yours is real old. Now stop being a bitch and shut up and grow up." I snapped at her. She started crying. Good.
Cory's POV
"It's okay Riley, it'll be okay," Josh said comforting his niece.
"Shawn, come with me." I said. He followed me and we went into Riley's room and sat in the bay window.
"What are we gonna do?" I asked.
"I suggest waiting for them to sleep it off then try and tackle this when its all out of their systems." He suggested.
"Good idea Shawnie! Okay. We can have Riley sleep in here, Josh on an air matress on the floor. They're family so it'll be fine. Lucas can sleep in Auggie and Josh's room and so can Farkle. Maya will sleep on the floor in mine and Topanga's room. You can sleep in our room too and Katy can have the couch, unless she wants to go home." I said.
"That sounds like a plan to me." He agreed. We went into the living room to separate everyone. After locking everyone in the rooms they were supposed to be in, because we couldn't risk then sneaking out and getting into trouble, we headed to bed too.
Just as I was laying down I quickly remembered I had to go lock the bay window from the outside. I ran to make sure Riley and Josh were still there, which they were, then I locked the windows.
I headed back to bed with Topanga on my left and Shawn on my right. Wait Shawn? I thought he was supposed to sleep on the floor. Oh well I was to tired to care enough to make him get up and move.
"Cory... Are you up?" Shawn whispered about an hour later.
"Yeah Shawnie?" I asked.
"Do you think it'll all work out?" He asked referring to the kids.
"Yeah, it always does. I'm sure it will." I told him.
"I'm cold," he whispered I laughed quietly.
"Yeah me too. Topanga is a blanket hog." I told him.
"Keep me warm." He said. So we fell asleep hugging each other to stay warm.

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