Girl meets preparation

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Maya's POV
"Yes we are going to the party. For real this time." I said to Riley.
"How do you know we won't get caught?" Farkle asked.
"Cause we got Josh this time. He's over 18, technically an adult, so we got permission to go. Technically it's under the grounds that we stay with him the whole time, but everyone knows we are gonna separate and just meet back to go home." I explained. Lucas and Farkle looked to Riley to make sure I was telling the truth. She nodded and they pumped their fists in the air.
"We're going to a cool party! And I got a girl to take! Get ready for the most unforgettable night ever, Riley!" Lucas yelled.
"I gotta call Smackle and tell her we can do this" Farkle paused and made a kiddy face, then continued,
"for real this time!" He finished his sentence.
"Oh no what am I gonna wear? This is a cool kids party! What do cool kids wear Maya?" Riley asked me.
"I'll let you wear something of mine, honey." I assured her. Lucas then whispered to me,
"I'll give you ten bucks if you put her in something revealing," I giggled and whispered back,
"Deal." Lucas sat back and smirked, proud of himself. We finished our lunch and went through the rest of the school day.
When I got home mom and dad-oh I love calling him dad- were there.
"Hey honey!" My mom said.
"Hey Maya! Wanna help me and your mom with wedding plans?" Dad asked me.
"I would love to, dad, but I can't. I gotta grab my stuff and head over to Riley's for the party." I told him.
"Oh yeah you have your party. I want you to be careful. I'm trusting you will stay away from the alcohol and keep close to Josh, okay hun? Be good." He said.
"Ok," was all I said. I dashed into my room and as I left I heard dad say,
"I'll call Cory!" And I laughed.
I looked through my dresses picking out a revealing one for Riles, remembering my deal to Lucas. I them picked out another revealing one for myself because hey, why not? I then grabbed a pair of heels to match my dress and another for Riley. Finally I grabbed my makeup bag and was out the door.
"Bye! I'll see you tomorrow! Love you!" I called over my shoulder at my parents as I left. The plan was for me to sleepover at Riley's after the party along with Lucas and Farkle so that way Josh didn't have to take us all home late.
I got to Riley's and when I walked in the first thing I heard was Mr. Matthews on the phone with dad.
"No Shawn, you gotta do this! No! Look Shawnie," I cracked up at how he was flailing his arms around over-enthusiastically as he spoke and continued on to Riley's room waving hello at Topanga as I passed her.
"Alright Riles I'm here with the dress!" I said as I came into her room. She was relaxing in the bay window on her phone.
"Goody! Which ones mine?" She asked excited.
"This one!" I said pulling out the royal blue dress. She quickly put it on and looked at herself in the mirror.
"It's a little short. And the neckline goes so low. My back is almost completely exposed. Is it supposed to be this tight?" Riley starting firing out comments. I forgot she had never worn anything like this before.
"Riles, it's time to mature a little but okay? You look hot. You fill it out perfect it looks great on you, I promise." I assured my innocent friend. I then put on my own red dress. It was really short, really tight, and really minimal. Minimal as in it barely covered me. I originally thought of this one for Riley but I thought against it.
"You look so wow and mature," Riley said to me.
"Thanks. Come here I'm gonna do your hair." I said. I curled Riley's hair and them straightened my own. For the makeup I figured I better do her's for her because she had never done party makeup before. After finding her's I quickly did my own. I threw her a pair of black 2 inch wedge heels to go with her dress and put on a pair of red satin 3 inch heels myself.
Someone knocked on the door.
"Come in Josh." Riley said.
"How'd you know it was me?" He asked.
"My family doesn't knock."
"Woah. You two look amazing. I'm loving the view Maya," Josh said. I giggled uncharacteristically. I quickly stopped giggling.
"As soon as Lucas and Farkle get here we can head out." Riley said.
"Hey girls how's it- woah! Riley Matthews what in this world are you wearing? It should I say not wearing?" Riley's dad came barging in.
"Dad this is the dress Maya let me borrow," Riley said.
"You! What are you trying to turn my daughter into?" He yelled at me. Then Topanga walked in before I could answer.
"What is all the yelling about? Aw Riley you look great!" She said.
"Great? Topanga, she is barely wearing any clothes!"Matthews shouted.
"No, Cory she is wearing a dress. A nice dress for a mature party. I say she's fine  to go out like that. She is perfectly covered. Let's go wait for Lucas and Farkle, okay honey?" Topanga said being the awesome woman she is.
They left and we waited in Riley's room for them to call us out. Several minutes later they did.
"Lucas and Farkle are here!" Topanga called up the stairs.
Lucas's POV
"Now if you try anything funny with my daughter I will kill you. I'm trusting you Friar, because Topanga told me to. Also Shawn did, too, but point is I'm trusting you. Don't blow it." Mr. Matthews warned me.
"Yes sir. I will respect you and Riley, sir. I promise." I told him. Then I saw Riley come downstairs. Maya and Josh were behind her but all I saw was Riley. And I mean really saw her. More than I had before. I didn't think Maya would successfully get her into a dress like that. I quietly slipped Maya the ten dollars as I checked Riley out.
"C'mon guys we got a party to get to!" Josh said and we all headed out the door saying goodbye to mr and mrs Matthews

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