Girl Meets Epilouge

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Lucas's POV
"I do." I said.
"I do." Josh also said to my left.
"I do." Said Riley.
"I do." Maya added. That's right. The four of us had a double wedding. Josh and I were unsure at first but the girls only wanted to get married together. It wasn't until they told us they would refuse to marry us unless we did a double wedding that we caved. Then once we began to plan Josh and I grew fond of the idea of a double wedding. It really was something I enjoyed.
"You may kiss the brides," the marrying guy said. I kissed Riley and I saw Josh kiss Maya.
"C'mon people let's go party!" Maya shouted hiking up her wedding dress to run to the party room the next room over.
"Maya wait! You're supposed to wait for Josh!" Riley said hiking up her large white gown as well and running after Maya.
"Wait!" Josh and I called out simultaneously and ran after our two girls. I heard the guests that we left behind in the hall laugh.
Finally it was time for the first dance between husband and wife. Josh led Maya onto the floor and I led Riley. We danced and everyone's eyes were on us. But my eyes were only on Riley. As other couples came out to join us I saw one was Cory and Shawn, with their wives standing off to the side laughing. Topanga was holding the new Matthews addition that was born just about a week after Anthony. Her name was Miley. I felt someone tug at my shirt. I looked down to find my handsome son. Riley bent down and picked him up.
"Hi mommy! Hi daddy!" he chirped. He was quite the talker.
"Anthony how would you like a little brother or sister?" Riley asked him. I raised an eyebrow at her.
"Maya and Josh are gonna have a kid and she wants us to have one the same age," she told me. I shrugged. I wasn't going to waste my breath fighting those two. Sometimes it felt like I was with Maya and Riley. I don't think Josh exactly felt the same way though because Riley was his niece. I chuckled at my own weird thoughts.
"Sure. So how would you like that, Ant?" I asked him.
"I wanna be a big brother!" He got excited.
"Well that was easier than I thought it would be." Riley giggled. I loved we giggle.
"If one of us has a boy and one has a girl maybe they'll get married," Riley wondered.
"Riley, they would be cousins." I pointed out. Her face fell when she realized.
"Oh yeah. Sometimes I forget that she married my uncle and is now technically my aunt." Riley said slightly disappointed.
"Maybe you can talk Farkle and Smackle into having a kid and see how that goes." I suggested.
"I think I will." She said running off to go grab Maya who was about ten feet away than go find Smarkle.
"Hey Anthony. Are you gonna miss daddy?" I asked him.
"Where are you going daddy?" He asked me.
"Mommy and I are going on a little vacation. You're gonna stay with grandma and grandpa, sound fun?" I asked him.
"But I'll miss you daddy." He said to me. I loved my son. We were close and I couldn't wait to see him grow up. But I hated to see him upset.
"But if mommy and I don't go you can't become a big brother," I told him.
"Ewwww are you two gonna kiss?" He asked me in the way only little kids can. He was disgusted when he saw Riley and I kiss. I laughed.
"More or less," I answered his question.
"I changed my mind. You have permission to go." He told me. I smiled at him.
"Thanks buddy. We'll be home in no time, I promise. You'll have fun with grandma and grandpa." I promised him.
"Yes he will. Give me my grandson," Cory said showing up behind me. I passed him Anthony.
"You know Lucas, I like you now." He told me. Those words made my day.
"Thanks sir. I like you too." I said.
"Please. Call me dad." He said to me.
"Okay, dad," I smiled.
"Grandpa let's go find Shawnie." Anthony said. That's what he called Shawn. Dad looked elated at the idea of finding his practically boyfriend and they were off. I went to go look for Riley.
Riley's POV
10 months later
Maya, Smackle, and I were all in the hospital. First I came then it happened to Maya on the drive over to the hospital then to Smackle once we got here. Our babies were all born on the same day. Smackle had a boy, Maya had a girl, and I had a girl. Smackle and Farkle named their kid Minkus. Yes, Minkus Minkus. I honestly don't know. Maya and Josh named their daughter Lillian Kate. Me and Lucas named our daughter Corine Shawnette after our favorite couple.
"Anthony look it's your little sister," I said to him.
"Can I hold her?" He asked me.
"Only if you let daddy help you," I told him. He was nearly 2 and a half now. How the time is flying.
"Everybody smile," Shawn said gathering Joshaya, Smarkle, Rucas, Anthony, and the babies together for the first group picture. After he took the picture he asked what the names were. I realized I hadn't told him or my dad the name of my daughter yet.
"Well, daddy and Shawn. The name of mine and Lucas's daughter is Corine Shawnette." I told them. They processed for a moment and I saw a tear of joy roll down Shawn's cheek and my dad was bawling. I had never seen them so touched.
I love my happy family and I can't wait to see my kids grow up into amazing people just like everyone else in this crazy family.
That was the epilogue and now Girl Meets High School Drama has officially ended. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope you'll read more of my works in the future as I put the gang into more crazy situations. I love you all!

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