Girl Meets Change

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Riley's POV
I can't believe he said he liked it. I thought he was my boyfriend.
"Riley open the door!" I head Maya say from the other end.
"Is anyone with you?" I asked her.
"Nobody. It's just me I promise." She said. I opened the bathroom door and let her in.
"I don't like him back, Riley." She told me.
"I believe you Maya. But what do I do?" I asked her.
"Riley I'm sure this will pass. You and Lucas are meant to be together." She told me.
"But what do I do while we're waiting for it to pass? What if it doesn't even pass?" I asked her, worried as she was opening her mouth to answer I heard the bathroom window open.
"Ladies," I familiar voice said.
"Farkle." Maya and I both said back to Farkle.
"That's the answer! Farkle you're a genius! It's perfect!" I said.
"I know I'm a genius, but what did I do?" Farkle asked.
"I'll pull a Farkle. I'll change and find myself and have a good time and possibly get another boyfriend and Lucas will see what he's missing!" I exclaimed.
"Okay, but are you sure you want to be exactly like Farkle? You don't own a lot of black," Maya pointed out to me. But I had more plans.
"Farkle will you be my boyfriend?" I asked him. Both him and Maya gasped.
"Riley, not that I wouldn't love to, but a have an unofficial thing with Smackle," he pointed out.
"I know, not for like, real, just for Lucas. Like, when Lucas is around we can act like a couple and he will want me back! Especially if I pull a Farkle and suddenly turn hot!" I said, then realized I admitted I thought Farkle was hot.
"Oh you think I'm hot?" Farkle teased.
"Oh shut it, Minkus, we all can agree you are hot when you dress like that." Maya said agreeing with me.
"Well thank you. And Riley, I would love to be your boyfriend." Farkle said.
"Yay! C'mon, to my room. I need to get money to go to Demolition!" I said to Maya. I then added to Farkle
"Meet us at the bay window," and he nodded. Maya and I went to go grab my money.
"Riles, why are we going to demolition?" Maya asked me.
"I need Farkle clothes. Black and stuff." I told her. She shrugged and we went out the bay window after I grabbed my bag.
"Let's go," Farkle said leading the way. When we got to demolition I picked out black dresses, black jeans with rips, black boots, a few pairs of heels and wedges, black tee shirts, and a cute black leather jacket. I tried everything on then went to go pay, grabbing a few extra things like jewelry and makeup.
"Your total is $120," the sales person said to me. I payed for it using my birthday money and we headed back home. We went in through the bay window and I told Farkle to go cover his eyes and stand in the corner as I changed.
"Okay you can look now!" I said to him. He turned around.
"Wow" was all he said as I smiled at him.
"She's not down yet, Farkle. Let's do your makeup and accessorize, Riles." Maya said. She did my makeup. Light black eyeshadow. Only a little, not heavy, light eyeliner with a small wing, mascara, and bright red lipstick. The only pop of color on me. She said it would draw Lucas's attention to my lips which was good. Finally I put on a choker necklace and several bracelets some with charms some not. I slipped on a pair of black boots to match my black mini dress.
"Woah," Farkle said.
"You look woah." He said again.
"Is woah a good thing?" I asked him.
"Riley, you were good looking before, but now your freaking hot!" Farkle said making me blush.
"Okay I'll go into the living room first to see who is there. I'll say 'Riley's in her room talking to Farkle' and that's your cue to come in. I need you two to come in laughing and looking into each other's eyes. Ok let's do this!" Maya went over the plan. Farkle and I nodded.
Maya's POV
I headed down and quickly scoped out the scene. It was Lucas, Josh, my dad, Cory, and Topanga. Mr. Feeny was there also, so he must have shown up while I was gone, but other than that it looked like they hadn't moved in the hour and a half since I left.
"Maya! There you are! Where's Riley?" Dad asked me.
"Oh, she's up in her room with Farkle," I said the signal.
"But Farkle left awhile ago to take care of something.." Cory said. So that's how he got out!
"Well he showed up at the window," I said as Riley and Farkle came in exactly how I told them to. I watched everybody's faces turn to a look of shock when they saw Riley.
"Riley?" Josh asked being the first to speak.
"Yes Josh?" She asked.
"What the heck? Maya what happened?" Topanga asked me.
"She's doing a Farkle." I told everyone. Lucas looked like he understood what that meant but the others were still confused.
"She's doing what Farkle did. Changing. Finding herself." I explained.
"Hi Mr. Feeny," Riley said
"Hello, Miss Matthews." Mr. Feeny said to her.
"So are we done talking about last night? Farkle and I are going out to get some coffee or something," Riley said.
"Without Maya and Lucas?" Cory asked.
"Yeah, just me and Farkle." Riley answered. She was doing great.
"Okay, well I guess you and Farkle are done but I'm not done with Lucas and Maya. Go ahead you two see you later," Cory said. I found it hilarious how he trusted Farkle so much because he didn't believe Riley as Farkle would ever be together. I didn't want to say this to Riley but I'm pretty sure with their pretend relationship one was going to end up falling for the other.
"Hey Maya, I'm being kicked out but I'm just telling you I forgive you. See you later," Josh said. He kissed my cheek and left the house to go do whatever it is he does when he's alone.
That left me, Lucas, Shawn, Cory, Topanga, and Feeny.
"Okay let's start with the facts. Lucas and Maya got drunk. Lucas and Maya kissed. They kissed again earlier today to see if they felt anything. Maya felt that it was like kissing a friend. Lucas felt something more." Topanga restated.
"What more is there to talk about, that's it." I said
"Maya did you ever have any type of feelings for Lucas ever?" Topanga asked me.
"Ok, it was one time when we first met I thought he was kinda hot." I confessed. They all looked at me.
"It was one time! I had just met him!" I defended myself.
"Okay, anyway. What about Maya do you like Lucas?" Topanga asked him
"She's Maya, I dunno," he said.
"This isn't important can I go now? I wanna talk to Josh." I said.
"Yeah Maya, go find Josh." Dad said dismissing me. I left to go find my boyfriend.
"No Lucas you stay here," Cory said to him.
"Oh and Maya, starting tomorrow your one month grounding starts, so enjoy today." Dad said. I nodded.
"Oh and when you find Josh can you tell him his month grounding starts tomorrow too, as well as Riley for a week," Cory called after me.
"Ok!" I shouted as I left to go find Josh.

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