Girl Meets Baby

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Time skip nine months
Riley's POV
My baby boy is due any day now. Lucas tells me I don't look that fat, but I'm really huge. After my dad came back from his walk the day I told him (with Shawn's arm around him) he had a much calmer level head. He's accepted and even come to like Lucas and I together. We have plans to get married this summer, between eleventh and twelfth grade. I honestly love the ring.
"How you feeling Riles?" Maya asked me coming in for her shift to watch me. I constantly had someone by my side these days so I wouldn't be left alone when the baby decides to come.
"Same as I've been." I replied.
"Can you please tell us the name!" Farkle begged Lucas and I. He shook his head no and I laughed.
"Any day now Farkle, I promise." I assured him. The four of us laughed and talked for hours enjoying our first days of September before school started in less than a week. Lucas was in the middle of some story that I can't remember what it was about when I felt something new.
"Umm guys? I think it's time," I said interrupting Lucas's story. The story was immediately forgotten as Maya called Shawn and my parents who were all upstairs. Lucas, Farkle, and I began to make our way down the stairs to the car.
"Why now! Cory and I were gonna get ice cream!" Shawn complained as we all met at the car.
"For heavens sake, man, get in the car!" Feeny pushed Shawn in. My dad drove with Shawn in the front seat. Lucas, Farkle, Maya, and I were in the middle row with Auggie, Ava, Josh (who I have no clue when he got here) and my mom all in the back. We have a pretty large car.
When we got to the hospital I was sent into a room and ordered to change into a hospital gown. Then everyone began to pile around me as the doctor came in.
"Hello Miss Matthews, let's see how things are going. How do you feel?" Te doctor asked me.
"I feel like I'm ready to be done already," I complained. This was the part I have been dreading since I found out I was pregnant nine months ago. I looked to my mom.
"What the hell do I do now?" I asked and yelled.
"Sweetie calm down the doctor is here to tell you what to do and so am I." My mom assured me being the superhero she always is.
Several hours passed filled with screaming, yelling, orders, commands, and progress until finally at 2:27 am on September 2nd 2018 mine and Lucas's son was born.
"Now can you tell us his name?" Farkle asked me smiling down at the little boy.
"Anthony Michael Friar," I proudly told my whole family.
"He's so handsome Riley," Maya said to me. I giggled.
"He gets it from his daddy," I told her.
"I think he gets it from you," Lucas imputed.
"Can I hold him?" Maya asked me.
"Sure," I said. I carefully handed her my newborn son and she looked down at him and smiled. Then I saw my son smile for the first time of his life. I instantly fell in love with his smile.
"I'm your aunt May," she cooed to the child. He looked up and smiled at her and like me she was in love.
"I can't wait till I have kids one day," she remarked.
"Whenever you want, babe," Josh smirked hugging her from behind.
"My turn!" Farkle shouted. Maya handed him Anthony reluctantly.
"I'm your uncle Farkle and I'm the cool uncle, okay? The cool, nerdy, but cool uncle." Farkle told him. The child had a smile that could capture anyone's heart at a single glance. Anthony was passed carefully from person to person smiling at every song one who held him until finally Lucas said,
"Okay, give me my son. It's my turn." We all suddenly realized Lucas hadn't yet held him. Shawn passed him to his father and Lucas and Ant stared at each other for a moment before Lucas began to speak.
"Hey baby. I'm your daddy. I love you and your mommy very much and we're gonna have so much fun growing up together. How's that sound? Are you excited?" Lucas asked Anthony. Anthony made his first ever sound other than when he came out crying.
He giggled. The room fell silent in awe of the baby that stole our hearts. It was clear he was gonna be a daddy's boy. I couldn't wait to see my son grow up to be like Lucas. I could tell their father and son connection would be one stronger than the average and I couldn't be happier. These were my two favorite boys in the whole world.
"You know when you and Lucas get your own house it better be an apartment in the building because I forbid you from going anywhere else," Maya said to me.
"I wouldn't dream of it. I can't leave my family." I assured her.
"About that, your mother and I have a surprise for you." My dad said.
"There was an apartment for sale on the other side of Mr. Feeny. We bought it for you and Lucas! Lucas's parents have been moving your stuff ever since we came here. We do expect you to pay us back when you get jobs though," my mom said. The last part didn't even bother me I would have anyway. I was so happy my parents would do that for me and Lucas!
"Riley hold Anthony and Lucas get close! I wanna take your first family photo," Shawn said pulling out his camera.
"Say baby!" Maya said.
"Baby!" Lucas and I smiled and even Anthony smiled with a little giggle for his first ever picture. With Anthony in our lives Lucas and I were officially a little family of three. It was perfecter than perfect.
"Anthony Michael Friar," I whispered to Lucas as Lucas kissed me on the lips.

That's it. That was the last chapter of Girl Meets High School Drama. I'll be posting an epilogue either tonight or tomorrow so look out for that. Thank you for joining the gang on this crazy adventure and I hope you enjoyed the ride. Be on the lookout for some more books by me that I'll be starting shortly. (I'll put out more info when I decide which story idea I want to write next)

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