Father's Mistake

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It was a stormy day at seas. The only thing in view is your own body until the lightning strikes again. James Kenward, captain of the Willow, steers his ship across the ocean, seeking for his home land. Suddenly, an object is in view and the crew quickly reacts on command. Canons are in position and are fired as rapidly as possible towards the object. It was only after that the object catches on fire and sinks right before his eyes that Captain James realizes that he has just sunk a ship.
Trying to follow the compass as accurately as possible, Capt. James navigates his ship to his land, nearly forty-eight hours after the horrible mistake.
Arrived on deck, he reports the sunken ship. After many hours of waiting, the Ocean Team Tracking conclude that it was Captain Agrawald Benner's ship that has sunken. Horror sets into Jame's mind realizing he killed his best friend as he makes his way home and tells his wife what he's done.
"How could this be?" He yells at his wife."What am I supposed to say to his family? His fourth boy won't even meet his father!"
"Quiet down James, you'll wake the girls! The police will tell them about this tragedy. Write them a letter and invite them for tea tomorrow so we can discuss this." Edith soothingly tells her husband once her own voice and tears are controlled. "We'll have the bo-"
Coming down the grand staircase is six-year-old Eve and following behind her is four-year-old Frances.
"Why are you crying mother?" Asks sleepy Eve.
"Don't worry about that right now. We'll talk about this tomorrow. Say goodnight to your father-"
"Papa? Your home!" Yells Eve, suddenly full of energy, hopping down the stairs followed by giggling Frances slightly yawning before jumping into her father's arms.

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