Later that day

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It's half past six and he still hasn't come. Part of me feels excited that maybe he'll stay for dinner but most of me feels betrayed. If he can't simply show up to talk to my father, how am I going to get to him besides kissing him! So far Nick has only been using me and I don't know how to change that. I'm starting to think I should involve my mother or his. Maybe both.

*the next day*
He didn't come yesterday so I walk to Rosa's house to talk to her.
"Come in my dear. I wasn't expecting you so I haven't any tea to offer. Bertram!"
In walks a butler. "You called?"
"Yes. Please get the tea set and some tea for us please." He immediately turns to get the tea.
"You didn't have to. I might not even drink any. I do have to talk to you about something. Well, Nick actually."
"Is he bothering your father again? I don't understand why he can't and won't forgive him! That boy!" I laugh at her comment.
"That's not completely the reason why I'm here. You see, for a long time I've had a uh... liking to Nick." Just as I finish, the butler enters. "Thank you." He nods and walks away.
"Your mother has already told me this. Ever since your birthday ball, as I like to call them, I've even noticed it."
"Well I liked him even before that."
"How so? You've only seen him before then when you were a baby and even then not so much since he refused to go to your house and see your father. I thought he'd grow up and get over your father's mistake. It was tragic but no one can change the past."
"Well, I saw him in pictures. My mother said she took them on the occasional visits and when you'd send some over by mail."
"Ah I see. But why Nick? He's ten years older than you and has no interest in love. That stubborn boy."
"I don't blame him. He put his heart where he thought it'd be safe and the one he loved destroyed it. Nearly."
"What do you mean by nearly?"
"The night before, I went to see him and we slightly connected I think. I just made the mistake of letting his mind go to my father and you know who."
"Are you saying there's a chance he becomes happy again without drinking?"
"I'm gonna need your help. Are there any family members he used to have a connection with? Friends?"
"Yes. My sister. Only thing is that your father and my sister used to be a thing but got a divorce because she didn't want any kids."
"She's pregnant with her first child presently."
"Than my father doesn't have to see her. He doesn't go out of the house anyways."
"You don't think Nick will want to start something with your dad? He knows all this and will purposely make sure your father knows about Clementine."
"If this will help me get Nick than I can risk my father getting a little jealous."
"It's not just that. Your father already knows she's having a baby. The problem is who the father is. My brother. Clementine is my sister-in-law. Your father almost had my brother's head sliced off because of a problem that no one knows what it is but them since no one talks about it."
"Rosa, I wonder how you haven't lost your mind with all this mess around you. I'm confused just listening to it all."
"I'm sorry dear. I shouldn't have thrown that all on you. It is very complicated. That's why I don't want to know what's going on between my brother and your father. Now to help with you and Nick, I first have to check if Clementine can travel. It's only a long car ride from here but I don't know how far she is in her pregnancy."
As Rosa quickly scribbles a letter to her brother, I calculate how long it will take to get a reply.
"I will go send this to the now. Instead of waiting for their reply, I asked that they come as soon as possible, if possible."

After leaving Rosa's house, I quickly go to Nick's home. 
There's no reply but the doors unlocked meaning he is home according to my brother's weird observations. Maybe he knows it's me and is purposely ignoring me. I walk into his house cautiously. All I smell is beer and vodka. Bottles are everywhere along with socks that have turned brown from being so dirty. That's odd. I never see him wearing socks. He probably only wears them in his house.
After searching the first floor, I head upstairs. I notice a trail of bottles mostly leading to what I'm guessing is his bedroom. To confirm so, I hear a moan coming from that same room. I then hear a slump like a sack of potatoes dropped onto the floor. Is that him?
I slowly make my way to the doorway but my foot hits a bottle of Shadon Lère. He's a cheap drinker. That's what my father says when he showed me his wine collection and the real vodka comparing it to the one I just kicked. Before I could react any further, a big bear looking thing swings a bottle at me and my vision goes blurry. After collapsing and before closing my eyes, I hear a man yell.
"Shit! What are you..." And I'm oblivious to the world.

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