The after party and a little more

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Arriving home, I crash onto the gathering room sofa. It's almost midnight and my mother planned an after party!
As more and more people, who are apparently my family members, I try to look more and more alive. I don't want them thinking I'm a child who needs to go to bed. Speaking of children, Jane is still wide awake and hugging everyone who enters our home.
Aunt Jessie, my father's twin sister, greets me with a very tight hug. I thought my corset was the tightest thing on my body. I mentally gave her the first place prize for the tightest thing that has wrapped around my body.
"You look beautiful! The last time I saw you was six years ago to see Jane enter the world!" Yep, that's my aunt. Always complicating everything. She couldn't have just said Jane's birth? "That just gave me even more reason not to have any kids. Thankfully, my husband agrees with me." In my opinion, I think he's just afraid of her three hour speeches. Trust me. Just over three hours is her shortest speech. Yes, it is possible to talk for five hours and twenty four minutes with little disruption.
"Is he the one?"
I realize my aunt is gone, a stranger is speaking to me, and I'm staring at... NICK! Why am I such a dork?!
"Well, he doesn't think so ye-" I turn and see Eve! I can't believe I didn't recognize her voice! "Hi Eve! When did you get here?"
"The boat took a little longer. Sorry I couldn't be here for the ceremonies. You look beautiful."
"I didn't even know you would come. Well, since you're here, I can tell you about Nick."
"Wait. That's Nick Benner? He doesn't look like he's doing so great. Don't get me wrong, he's handsome and all but..."
"I know he needs some work but I'm determined to be wed to him. There's just something about him that I know we belong together."
"I see you took match making as a hobby. What does Mother have to say about this. Never mind Father."
"Well. I think she has faith in me but pretends to be on Father's side so that he doesn't ruin my night. How long are you staying?"
"Well I've decided to come back here. Étienne is the one who suggested it."
"He's here?"
"No. He'll be arriving after his art gallery show, Musienne. I find it pretty silly really. It's about structures or something created from music instruments." She giggles.
"Have you talked to anyone else since your arrival?"
"No. I was just about to go catch up with Mother. Congratulations and good luck Anna!"
As I picture my sister walking to the backyard where most of the party is, I here many happy hellos and laughter.
After a fun, late, and loud supper, I make my way to the bathroom. I open the door since it isn't locked and walk in. In front of me is a shocked man. After a moment of staring I realize it's Nick, peeing! I stand there with my mouth wide open, staring at him, not knowing what to do. Finally going out of shock, I turn and cover my eyes. Leaving would mean I'd have to face other people and explain why both of us came out of the bathroom at relatively the same time.
"Well, I never thought I'd be in a Kenward household, trying to get along with others for my mother but to be in their bathroom with miss Anna Kenward. This is something."
Slowly, I turn around and face him. "So you do have interest in me."
"Hey. I said I wouldn't marry you, which I know we're your intentions earlier. I never said you aren't stunningly beautiful."
"I'm sorry but you just wasted your breath. My intentions are still to marry you. Don't you see, the only way to heal your heart is to move on."
"And be hurt by- why am I having this conversation with a child? You probably have never even kissed anyone yet."
"You're making this very difficult you know. If you won't be with me because you think I'm an amateur than kiss me."
With that, he quickly comes over to me and grabs my head. I thought he would smack me for pushing to hard. To my surprise, he slowly leans closer to me. Before I have time to process what happening, he lightly kisses me.
Minutes goes by and the kiss deepens. Instinctively, my hands reach up to grab his hair. Damn he's tall. I rest my hands on his shoulders instead. To my surprise, he actually brushes his teeth. After even more minutes, he pulls away.
"You're better than I thought you were."
Not knowing what to say, I let him do the talking.
"You try too hard. You're gonna end up really disappointed in the end. If you were smart, you'd go for a boy your age who wants to be your husband and never talk to me again."
"You're just angry that you liked kissing me."
"You know, I'd call you some pretty mean things regarding the way you're acting if I wasn't in your house where your father has the advantage."
"Are you afraid of him?"
"I said he has an advantage. People would support him."
"Ok. I'll let you keep saying that."
"Yah just like I'll let you keep saying-"
A knock at the door interrupts him mid-sentence.
"Anna, are you in there? Your guests are leaving."
Leaving? How long have I been in here for? I turn to look at Nick who snuck out of sight if the door was to open.  He sharply motions for me to go.
After everyone but my sister leaves, we all look at each other expectantly. We all turn when we hear a door open down the hall. Nick comes out with an awkward expression on his face.
"Sorry. Have I kept you waiting? I don't think those jalapeño-trishes settled with my stomach."
"No. We haven't been waiting for you. The last guest just left the same minute you came out. Oh and I don't mean we haven't been waiting for you in a bad way. Just so you know because that sounded kinda rude." With that, my father lets out a loud snort. Does he always have to be rude? Nick was actually trying to be polite in the presence of my father and he snorts. Ugh!
"I'll be leaving now. Wouldn't want to make this anymore awkward." He says, the whole time looking at me.

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