Strong words.

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"Every time you come home late, you end up being with him!" My father clearly states the obvious, just not in the same perspective.
"It's not what you think. He wants nothing to do with me and his mother was clearly with us. You obviously won't let me explain anything without believing me so I'll let Rosa explain while I'm in my room. Don't bother getting me in the morning!"
"Why would you say that?"
"You're not planning on sneaking out are you?"
"Shut your yap and don't give her any ideas. You've done enough." My father, once again, trying to put him down.
"And you haven't? Don't forget. You killed my father."
"You are a grown man. Don't tell me you're still crying over your father."
"I've gotten over my father's death. What I haven't gotten over is how lazily you treated the incident, after the fact. You couldn't even talk at his funeral, which his body couldn't even be at because it's lost somewhere at sea, probably not even existing anymore."
Hearing this, I freeze on the staircase to listen. I then realize that Nick hasn't let go of being mad at my father, neither has he gotten over Natasha leaving him, with a baby that wasn't even his.
"When will you ever let go?" I unexpectedly say. They all then look at me, half surprised, half confused. "You tell me to stop trying. To stop wanting you, meanwhile, you won't forgive my father for grieving in a different way than you. You let what Natasha did to you stand in the way of me helping you fix it. I don't know why you do this but I have a reason for continuing to love you, and try and help you. Why do you two have to send each other death glares each time you see each other? From what I can remember, I have no resemblance to Natasha so you can't be pushing not me away for that. You know I wouldn't hurt you. I love you for you. I don't like you for your money, I actually respect your mother, and well, I don't know what else you want to hear. I'm going to bed now."
"You mean you're going to your room to sulk? You got yourself into this mess."
"Father, you have no clue what you're talking about." And with that, I marched to the third floor and slammed my door shut, hoping they could hear the echo down the staircase. Just after hearing Nick leave the house, clearly annoyed that his mother is staying in a house full of 'imbeciles'.

"We need to help her." Rosa finally says, breaking the awkward silence that has settled into the room.
"Help her? To do what? Marry a man who won't even care about her?"
"James, you don't understand. Maybe I phrased that wrong. We need to help him. I know that they belong together, he just needs to see it for himself. He needs her. Every night, you complain about how you'd wish he'd ask like a proper man. Now you have the chance to help him and I'm starting to think you're the one who needs to act like a proper man, and husband for that matter."
"Uh... Should I go to my room?" Edith asks hesitantly.
"I'm sorry. But do you agree with me before we end this conversation?" Rosa asks.
"I agree that Nick needs help. I understand what you mean with your husband but I'm not picking sides." She says while trying to hide a laugh. Her expression changes when she notices that she still hasn't explained to them what has happened.
"Is something wrong?" Rosa asks, unsure what else to say.
"Well it's the whole reason I came here. Remember the key and the chest? They came to take the key. Luckily, Nick explained how it all works and they left. I don't know when they'll be back but if you're planning a wedding for those two, I suggest doing it secretly and private."
"You women are crazy. How do you expect those two to find peace between each other?"
"Well, it's gotta start with you."
"I wish my husband didn't go off on that year-length business trip. You three men would've have had a fun night together." Says Rosa.
"It's really two months. If that's a year to you, I wonder how old you must think you are!" Laughs Edith.
"Do you seem to forget that Nick practically hates me? How am I supposed get him to like me?"
"He seems to like going to the bar..." Rosa suggests.
"It's worth a try." Edith pressures on.
"Fine!" James stomps away like a child told to go to bed, and just like his daughter had done, he went to his bedroom and slammed the door. Guess you know where she got that from.
"I hope this turns out well. Anna loves my son so much. I can see it when she looks at him. He is definitely interested in her. I just don't know how to get him over the barrier he's put between himself and love."
Suddenly, the door bell rings.
"Hello? Oh dear! Hello darling!"
"Mother, I wish you'd stop calling me that. I have a name you know. It's Eve remember?"
"Hasn't changed in eighteen years. So, how are you settling in your new home? Has Étienne arrived yet?"
"Yes and-"
"I'm here!" A strong accent clearly audible, Étienne exclaims in a loud voice, startling Rosa.
"So this is Étienne. He's a hunker!"
"Hunker? Ça veut dire quoi Ève?"
"T'es beau." She says simply and turns to her mother. "He wanted to know what hunker meant."
"I see, I see."
"Well we just came by to say hi and so you could slightly get to know Étienne before everybody else does." She says with a little laugh and after another small five minutes of talking, they head off.
"I'm slightly glad she decided to leave for almost twenty years. Gave her a chance to find someone great for her."
"And she learnt a new language!" Exclaims Rosa.

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