What happened during all those years...

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During the past nineteen years, plenty has happened. The Kenwards had two additions to the family, a son named David, and a daughter named Jane.

Once Eve, the eldest of the Kenward siblings, turned the age to marry, nineteen, she married a French man named Étienne and moved away to France, too ashamed of her family's history with the Benners to live in the same country.

The second eldest, Frances, is the "Goody Goody" of the family. Her parents often tell Anna to be more like Frances. She decided to live with her parents and inherit the house when they pass away.

Anna, just turning the age to marry, still hasn't found the one man of her dreams. That is until she lays eyes on Nicklaus Benner for the first time since she was a baby. Her parents only allow her out of the house if one of them go with her. Her father says that her beauty can be a killer. Her mother always follows by explaining that Anna's too beautiful for her own good.

Following is David, the only boy in the bunch. At age fourteen, him and Anna share a special best friend connection.

Finally, there's six year old Jane. She's always where she shouldn't be and causes trouble everywhere she goes. To sum it is, she's the complete opposite of Frances, even at such a young age.

Some things don't change though. Nick hasn't talked to James Kendward since his blast at the Kenward house when he was ten. Now he's twenty eight and has only talked to Frances to know how the family is doing. Well everyone in the family excluding James and who knows what Eve is up to.

Natasha Manovin. Nick and Natasha were a thing from eleven to twenty three years old. They ended because once Natasha found out how rich Nick's family is, she started using him for money, became greedy, cheated on him and became pregnant with another man, leaving Nick to think that she was pregnant with his child. Natasha then left to Italy and married some nobody named Henric with a lot of money. Mean to say at this point but they're a perfect match. The man wants the woman and the woman wants his money. The baby ended up dying during birth but Natasha didn't really care for it anyways.

The only person actually losing in this situation is Nick. Left alone, thinking the woman he loved had left with his baby. He is now the drunk, anger filled man who sleeps with more than one woman per night, leaving them in the morning. Occasionally he'll take a shower every other week. Hair is oily, he appears to be tanned but it's really just dirt. He's never seen walking in the streets in the middle of the day.If someone asks for Nick, they say; "Try the bar first. If he's not there, he's either in the back passed out or at the motel next door with a woman or two in his bed."
Sad, but true. He even told himself he'd never let himself fall in love again. Which is why he only does one-night stands.

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