*A week later*

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I've thought of him everyday since that night. I've used any reason possible to get out of the house and possibly see him but it's said that he only "comes out at night". Like he's some sort of animal. Well he is a pretty sexy tiger but where is he?! I wouldn't mind him coming out at night but I have to be home by nine o'clock. Right before it gets dark. Another rule connected to Father's saying 'you're too beautiful for your own good.'
Tonight, I might just casually lose track of time and stay out a couple hours later.
Later that day...
We live forty minutes away from town walking so I begun at about six o'clock. It's now seven o'clock. I ask around and many people have said they saw him enter Chub's Hub. Odd name I think to myself.
The closer I come to the bar, the less homes there are and when there is one, it looks like an abandoned shed. The only way you know it's habitable is the windows showing a silhouette or two.
After another twenty minutes of walking, I finally arrive. As I enter, I realize that most people in there are passed out, drunken men. The others are forcing there eyes to stay open to talk to their buddies.
I notice a staircase closer to the back and attempt to force my way through the tables and groups of people. Suddenly I feel someone grab my arm. I turn and all I smell is strong alcohol.
"What do you want?" I ask him calmly.
"Well... Since you asked, I want money, a lifetime supply of vodka, and you." I lay a smirk on my face and ask him what's up the stairs.
"We can go if you want." In hope that Nick will be there, I agree to go with him. Please God let Nick be up there.
At the top of the stairs is a door. Halfway up the stairs, I look up to see the door opening. Out comes the one and only Nicklaus Benner. Thank God!
"Anna? What are you doing here?"
"I came to find you. Now that I found you, we can go. Thank you sir-"
"Oh no. If you think I'm just gonna let you ugh!" Last thing i see before being carried over Nick's shoulder is the man getting a punch in the gut and falling down the stairs. As we reach the bottom, I notice he's passed out.
Once arrived outside, Nick starts yelling at me. I already thought this might happen so I just block him out and stare into his eyes. Once he finishes, realizing I'm not even listening, he starts walking away.
"Where are you going?"
"Away from you."
"But I came here to find you. If you hate me so much and wanted to get away from me, why didn't you just leave me with that man?"
"Do you even know where you just walked into? Do you know what that man was so capable of doing? You should be thanking me."
"Oh I know all of that already. I just wanted to know your answer. And you don't actually want to get away from me. If you did, you wouldn't keep talking to me and walking half the speed you normally walk so I can keep up with you."
"God dammit! First of all, why are you so smart and second of all, do you even know where we are going? Has that clued into you? What if I was to kidnap you?"
"To tell you the truth, I've never been in this area my whole life. I do know we are going to you home. And if you kidnapped me, it'd just be easier for you to really love me rather than just think I'm intelligent and attractive." I hope I'm right...
"How did you knows we I mean I was going home?" Yes! I am intelligent.
"It was a guess. Plus, what else is down here? Also, you said was going home. Are you bringing me home?"
"What other choice do I have?"
"And have my parents see me with you... Correct me if I'm wrong Nicklaus but wouldn't that make them think something was going on between us two?" Yet... Me being the wise one, I didn't add that in.
"Do you have any better plan? I'll walk you to your road and no one will see me. As simple as that."
"Not if I don't cooperate." With that, I stop dead in my tracks.
"What are you up to?" He tries to pick me up again but I start running down the street in the same direction we were going in, knowing that this isn't actually the way home. He actually thinks a woman like wouldn't know her way home. Foolish men.
"Anna! Where are you going?"
How to answer, I don't know because I don't know where I'm going. Grasping for breath, I stop at a dead end. A house sits at the top of a small hill, halfway surrounded by trees.
"I knew it! Why did you bring me here?"
"If you think about it... You brought me here. And I am going in to grab my coat. Then I am bringing you home."

"Mother, Father?"
"There you are darling! We've been worried sick about you! Where have you been?"
Just to make things better, I see Nick hesitating in the doorway. Good boy. You just made it ten times more easier for me.
"I was walking around and I lost track of time. When I saw Nick across the street, I went over to say hi. I really lost track of time then and when Nick noticed it almost being ten o'clock, he rushed me back home so you knew I was safe. He wanted to bring me on a stroll in the park though. Would that be ok?"
Nick looking like he just ate a deadly spider, Mother smiling like she was the queen and Father well, he's not too happy.
"As long as you bring her back before morning."
"Edith! What are you saying! That, that man isn't bring my daughter anywhere! Especially not at this time of night!"
"She's our daughter James and I'm her mother. I make the decisions. You protect them. I say she can go, you say be back in two hours or you'll see young man." I stare dumbfounded at my mother. When does she impersonate my father's voice? And do so good at it? As I look around, I realize everyone is looking at Mother the same way I am.
"Are you ready Anna?" Nick surprisingly played along with my story. Maybe I'm getting to him.

"Like planned we are going to walk to the park. You stay there and I go home. I hear from you again and I'll tell your parents what really happened tonight."
"What do you expect me to do for an hour. Minimum or they'll get suspicious."
"That would serve you right for making that up. Your lucky I stayed at the doorway to slightly support you."
Thankfully I've spent many years faking a cry to master it on cue.
"Why are you crying for God's sake."
"Well, you got a chance at love and she wasn't the one which means she's still out there. What if I'm her? And now the only person I'll ever really love doesn't want anything to do with me."
"That's because I don't want you to be disappointed when you realize I'm not what you're looking for."
"Nice try. Even if you do mean that, I just want you more."
"You don't give up do you? I don't belong with anybody. I'm happy with my life the way it is now. Leave me alone before you ruin it for me like the last one."
"You don't realize I'm for you because you see me as Natasha!" Nod I'm really crying. Why can't he see that I really love him? What does he want me to do to prove it? "What do you want me to do to prove I'm the one."
"Do you hear yourself? You shouldn't have to prove yourself to someone if you're really right for them."
"Yah and look where that got you." Yes I went there and I said it before I could think.
"What do you know? Child. There you've arrived to your destination. Leave me alone. Next time I won't put effort into 'saving' you."
"Where are you going?"
"You're not my mother."

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