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I wake up early to make sure I'm not sleeping, in case he comes early. It is half past eight so it is possible that he comes and I would normally be waking up in half an hour anyways.
As I'm sitting on my window seat, I try to plan out the day.
I predict that if Nick follows my advice, he'll hand my father the ship in a bottle and there would be an awkward silence for a couple minutes until tea is offered. It's a start.

"Why do you insist that I stay home today? You are lucky I don't have anything planned for the day."
"Mother just trust me. If all goes to plan, we'll all be getting what we want."
"So if your mother and I stay home today, I'll be getting a rare collectable and your mother will be getting whatever her lady mind wants? How would you be able to pull that off?"
"You and your ship collection. Is that all you think about anymore?"
I sigh happily as the conversation switches from my plans to my father's collection.
"When is-" My brother comes in saying, holding Jane's hand.
"When is what?"
"Uh... When is breakfast ready?" I smile when my brother comes up with that lie so easily.
"When it always is. At ten. What has gotten into you children?"
"What have I done Mother?" Jane asks innocently.
"It's not what you have done, it's what you haven't done. I normally can never get you off of me and now you are always playing quietly outside or in your room. You also don't ask for everything whenever we go to the market."
That's odd. I can see where my brother and I are acting weird but Jane is always asking for something.
"I'm older now like Anna." Everyone is quiet for a moment and then we all burst out in laughter.

We've finished eating breakfast and he still hasn't showed up. Maybe he's coming in the afternoon. Or maybe he's not coming at all.

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