Moving on

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Arriving at the Kenward mansion just in time for supper, Nick and Natasha clean up and get seated at the dinning table. When his mother comes in, she's shocked at first but quickly replaces it with the biggest smile Nick has ever seen on his mother for a long time.
"Who's this young lady?" She asks.
"My name is Natasha. Natasha Manovin. I hope it's not a problem for me to be here."
"Yes. I knew your mother. We used to be close friends. And no. As long as it's okay with your father, you may stay as long as you like." As Rosa finishes speaking, a waiter walks in with bread, announcing that dinner is ready.
Dinner was quiet, only the occasional clang of a fork to the plate. After supper, Eve and Frances were put to bed and the Benners went home. Natasha's father came to bring her home shortly after, leaving the Kenward parents on their own.
James is the first one to speak.
"At least they are doing better."
"Yes, and Nick has found himself a girl."
"Not only a girl but someone he can relate to. She lost her mother due to blood loss during Natasha's birth you know."
"Rosa was telling me about that. Poor girl. Losing the person a child naturally loves the most."
"Conceded much." James teases.
"I can always count on you to lighten up the mood."
"That's what I'm here for."
"Which makes me think. Who does Rosa have to cheer her up?"
"What do you mean? Her childr-"
"Her children are a joy to have but they can say something to make how she feels better, either than Nicklaus, they don't even know what sadness is!"
"Are you saying Rosa needs another husband? It hasn't even been two months since..."
"That is not what I had meant. We need to bring her out. Distract her mind. We can go to the Grand Manjorie Ball. It's in two weeks and even though she loved to go there with Agrawald, it would give her memories to be happy about and she can still enjoy herself."
"Terrific idea. I'll send a letter to my sister so she can stay with the children."

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