Jokes on you.

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After fifteen minutes walking, I arrive at Rosa's home.
I can see people inside. More than two. There's no way it's midnight already. I left home just after ten. They aren't playing fair.
I quickly make my way into the house without being seen or heard. As I step in, I hear glass breaking and men laughing. No way I'm letting them get away with this.
As I'm about to leave and run home to get my parents, Nick bursts into the door, causing me to scream.
"What are you doing hear?"
As I'm about to reply, a man with a strong accent answers for me.
"We are taking what we need and *(he looks down at me)* a little bit more."
"Henric. You said midnight."
"Why wait?"
"Henric?" I made the mistake of speaking up.
"Yes. The man who took Nick's girl. Boo hoo. She wanted my money and I had too much of it so having Natasha solved many of my problems. She also told me about this key." Henric replies, presenting the amulet.
"Go ahead and take what you need. We don't need the money anyways and it's not like you'd still be able to open it."
"Really. And why is that?"
"It's a Benner's gift for a reason."
"Are you saying only a Benner can open the chest?"
"No, I'm saying only a Benner can enter the caves. You think I don't know my family's history?"
"I guess your coming with me then."
"That wasn't all of it. The one to enter the caves must be married for love and be part of the latest generation born. You think it would be as easy as a key, a map, and a Benner?"
"Than you are still coming."
"I'm not married."
"Why not Nick? Afraid to find love again?"
"It's not being afraid... It's not wanting to, and not allowing myself to."
I guess it's a good thing I didn't get him to love me as fast as I wanted him to.
"Where are your brothers?"
"Well. Aidan is so focused on schooling that he barely knows what a girl is and my other brothers might as well be dead. They are probably wasted in a sewer right now. Just like how I found them last time I tried looking for them. My mistake."
"Are you telling me that even if you wanted to, you wouldn't even be able to enter the caves?"
"That sums it up pretty well, yes."
He knows a lot more than I thought he did. He seems to always surprise me with something new.
"When you are married, send me a letter. I'd like to hear all about it and pay a visit."
"Sure thing Henric."
"Would you like me to carry a message to Natasha for you?" He decides to teasingly comment as he makes his way to the door, followed by the two men accompanied by him.
"Get up Anna. Once again, I'm bringing you home. Get out of this house."
But when he looked up, they were already gone.
"Are you ok Rosa?" I rush to her as I notice she's sitting on the grand staircase step with a filthy cloth around her mouth and ropes around her wrists and ankles. "You need to stay at my place tonight so you know they won't come back."
"I would greatly appreciate that." She turns and faces her eldest son. "What were you two doing?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean son, don't tell me you both happened to be coming to my house at the same time?" Funny because that is exactly what happened.
"Then I have nothing to say."
"Seriously?" She turns and asks me.
"He's telling the truth. He wants nothing to do with me anyways." I tell her.
"That won't last for long. I can promise you that. Now let's get going before your parents notice how long you've been gone."
"It hasn't been that long."
"I know your parents. Thirty minutes is a long time for them when it comes to you. It's the price to being beautiful." With that, she eyes Nick as she notices him staring at me. "What are you thinking about?"
"Me? Nothing. Just waiting to get home." I know he likes me. He just has to stop blocking me from him.

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