The Grand Majorie Ball

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With much convincing, Rosa, James, and Edith arrived at Majorie Hall For the ball. The only intentions for the night were to reconnect with friends and rarely meet new people.
When arriving at the hall, Rosa just stared with a small smile on her face.
While getting out of the carriage, Edith whispers to James,"I think this was a good idea."
"Are you guys coming?" Rosa asks, already at the entrance.
Inside, people. Are already gathered at the buffet table, dancing on the dance floor, or speaking with their friends. Rosa notices a man standing alone. Edith catches her staring.
"You should go talk to him you know. Maybe you'll find something in common."
Rosa looks up at James.
"How would you know? Do you know him James?"
"I've heard around. One thing I do know is he's alone and it doesn't look like that'll be changing anytime soon."
Rosa walks over tot he man and a little louder than necessary, clears her throat. The man turns around and starts laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"It's very ladylike of you to be making those noises. You could have just said hello."
"If you knew I was here, why didn't you just say something yourself Mr. Perfection." She jokes sarcastically.
"My name is actually Ethan Philips. And I didn't know if you came alone or not. I prefer to stay out of trouble." Ethan says with a playful smirk spread across his face.
"Well I a, here alone. My husband. He died overseas a month ago. I'm Rosa Benner by the way."
"Your husband is Captain Benner! He died on the same ship my uncle was on. Isn't that a coincidence. Two people alone at a ball, meet, and have both lost someone due to the same shipwreck."
"Well, I'm trying to move past it. I knew there were dangers and I can't change the past. People may look at me like I have no respect for my husband but I still have a life and four children to take care of. Would you like to dance?" Suddenly changing spirits, Rosa gets a tiny tickle in her heart when he says yes and they waltz on the floor.

"This is perfect. I think she's ready to move on."
"Edith, would it be too soon to invite them both to dinner?"
"We shall see how the night turns out but for now, would you like to dance?"

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