#13 He Gets Jealous On One of the Boys

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Your's and Ashton's anniversary is almost around the corner. You badly wanted to do something special for him, you asked Luke since you're the closest.

He suggested that you should sing for him. Your singing voice was fine but you can't play any instruments. Luke is to the rescue again and offered to teach you how to play guitar, which you thankfully accepted.

You are desperate to learn how to play the guitar, that you spent most of your time with him. So far so good, you're almost halfway the song. You were getting ready to meet Luke, you were supposed to finish the song today.

"Where are you going, Y/N?" Ashton asked

"I'm going to Luke's babe" you said, kissing Ashton on the cheek

His smile faded as he said okay.

"Is something wrong, Ash?" you asked

"Nothing" he dismissed

You could tell he was lying "Tell me, Ashton"

"It's just you were spending too much time with Luke" he said "Am I not doing a good job being your boyfriend?"

"What do you mean, Ash?"

"I don't know, Y/N" he laughed humorlessly "When I'm right there you hang out with Luke, when we can finally have a peaceful lazy day at home you'll go to Luke and go home late"

"Is it Luke now?" he continued, his voice breaking and he is in the verge of crying

You went to your room and grabbed the guitar that was under your bed, then you went back to Ashton.

"Here's why" you told him, seating on the bench

You played the song you've been practicing with Luke stopping at the part you didn't finish

"We were suppose to finish the song today, so I can perform it on our anniversary" you sheepishly said

"So you're actually doing that for me?"

"You've done a lot for me, Ash" you said "I wanted to do something that you'll remember"

"Gods, I'm sorry, Y/N" he said, shaking his head "I love you"

"I love you too, drummer boy" you said "Advance Happy Anniversary"


You went to visit Calum at his flat, the boys we're playing video games downstairs so he brought you upstairs for some 'alone time' as he called it.

You watched a movie on the telly on his room as you talk and catch up on the things you did the past days you weren't together, when you notice Calum dozing off

"Hey, Cal" you said and he mumble a reply

"I think you should get some sleep, babe" you said, kissing him on his forehead. You played with his hair until he is fully asleep.
You watched Calum sleep for awhile before thinking what the boys are doing downstairs. So you slowly slide out of Calum's grasp and made your way downstairs.

"Oh hey, Y/N" Michael said, his eyes not leaving the screen

You sat beside him on the couch as he continued to play

"Where's Cal?" he asked

"Sleeping" you told him "Where's Luke and Ashton?"

"Went home early" he said

After minutes of watching Michael play, he finally asked you to play with him, this isn't your first time playing Halo since you played with your cousins before, so you agreed.

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