#57 The Boys Ships The Two Of You Pt.2

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Before you can even complain, the boys pushed you and Ashton in line.

"Well, we're here anyways" you shrugged

You looked at Ashton who is still speechless and flustered.

"C'mon, Ash, its our turn" you said grabbing his hands

You were halfway through the ride, that you were so preoccupied on the lights inside the tunnel that you forgot you were still holding Ashton's hands.

"Y/N?" he said

You turned to him and that's when you noticed you were still holding his hands.

"Oh sorry" I said and tried to remove it from his.

"No, its just about the boys-y'know about us being a couple" he said, scratching the back of his neck as you raised an eyebrow "I was wondering, shit how do I say this? I think I like you and-"

"Ashton, I get it" you smiled at him "I like you too"

After the ride, the boys gave you a meaningful look as they saw that the two of you are holding hands.

"So?" Michael said, instead of saying anything, Ashton lifted your chin and gave you a peck on the lips and the boys cheered for the two of you.


"Michael Gordon Clifford, where the hell are you?" you screamed

"I'll fucking kill you, Clifford" you said, as you found him on his room

"Murder!" Michael yelled "Calum! Help me!"

Calum went up almost immediately, and look at the two of you questionably.

"You saw twitter right?" you looked at him

"Oh about that?" he said, as you turned you realized that Michael isn't there anymore.

"What Calum?" you asked him

"Look Y/N, seems like we got the support of the fandom and even the boys. I like you, I have for a long time now. I don't know if you feel the same, damn you probably don't" he said

"Calum, shut up" you said "I like you too okay?"

"Will that make you my girlfriend?" he asked

"Depends if you want me to be" you said

"Of course" he said and kissed you on the lips.

Your phone vibrated again with a new twitter notification '@Calum5SOS: *We're a couple ;) @Y/T/N @Michael5SOS' before you know it the fans are freaking out again.


You were a nervous wreck, standing behind the doors. You fan yourself and adjusted your dress.

Your bestfriend peeked from the door and said "Y/N, its starting"

You nodded at her and took a deep breath. You heard the music played from inside and the doors finally opened.

All the people stared at you in awe, making you tighten your hold on your bouquet. You smiled and look straight ahead you.

There you saw him, Luke Hemmings standing in front of the altar, his best man Calum standing beside him. You gave him a grin which he returned back at you.

You reached the altar and he took your hand, Calum giving you a discreet wink. Of course being the one behind all of this.

The ceremony ended and you were now Mrs. Hemmings, it was time for your friends to give there speeches.

Calum volunteered to be the first, "So, I thought you all should know that I started all of this," he laughed

He looked at yo before he continued.

"Years ago, I tried hard to get them together and then there is this church which Y/N adored so much, I didn't know Luke really noted that since it was the same church they got married on today" he chuckled

"Future reference" Luke winked at him

You and Luke stood up and gave Calum a hug, "Thank you so much, Cal" you said, "We owe you alot" Luke added.


Ashton is throwing a New Year's Party tonight. Michael convinced you to tell the boys about your relationship tonight.

"I'm nervous, Mikey" you said

He laughed "Y/N, its just the boys"

"Fine, Gordon. But you tell them okay?" you said

"What-why me?" you gave him the look

"Fine, Y/N" he said, "But y'know we can tell them without talking?"

"How?" you asked, he opened your closet and showed you the shirt the boys gave you last Christmas.

"Perfect" you smiled and began to change into it, same goes to Michael.

You both entered Ashton's place, hands intertwined, as you went to find the boys.

As soon as they saw the two of you, you swear they almost spit out the beer on their mouth.

"Is this real or just a prank?" Ashton asked in disbelief

Michael smirked and kissed you on the lips.

"Oh My God! It's real" Calum squealed

i hope you enjoy this as much as you enjoyed the first part :-)


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