#55 Long Drives & Roadtrips

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You and Ashton decided to have a roadtrip to a beach in the middle of nowhere.

When you say nowhere, you weren't kidding. You aren't sure on where are you going, you're just trusting the directions given by your boyfriend.

"Ashton, are you sure?" You raised your eyebrow

"Yeah," he said "Take a right there"

After awhile of following Ashton's direction you were now in a deserted place

"Ashton!" you said "We are suppose to go to the beach not in the desert"

He just shrugged, you took the map from him and analyze the map.

"Ash we are suppose to turn left the last time" you sighed

"I'm not good with maps, sorry" he said, volunteering to drive as you take over the map.


Calum showed up to your house and practically shoved you to pack coz he is taking you to a vacation he planned at last minute.

He wouldnt tell you where the two of you are going, but that doesnt mean you gave up on asking

"Where are we going, Cal?" you asked again for probably the 100th time now.

"Just wait" he said "You'll see"

"Where are we going, Cal?" you asked him

He messed with you hair "It wouldnt be a surprise if I tell you, wouldnt it?"

You just sighed "Im gonna report this kidnapping, if you don't tell me where are we going"

"It's not kidnapping when its not against your will, Y/N"

You glaread at him as you think of ways to annoy him

"Okay, Cal" you said "Are we there yet?"

He laughed "Soon, Y/N"


You and Luke are currently in New York, sitting in your hotel room, bored at the moment. So you decided to take a roadtrip to Canada.

You stopped by the convenience store to buy things you need and a lot of food and water. You started your journey with the help of Google Map.

Luke being the responsible driver he is, follow every road sign he saw, and driving accordingly to the speed limit.

Thats the problem when the two of you got on the freeway he drives at no more than 20 kph

"Luke can you pull over on the emergency bay?" you asked and he did

"Now step out of the car" you said and he seems hesitant but he did and you did the same, climbing into the driver's side.

"What is this?" he asked as he hopped into the passenger seat, out of his will

"We have a long way ahead us and if you keep driving at that pace, we'll arrive next month, Luke" you said

"Now buckle up and I'll show you how to drive in a freeway" you added and he obliged.


"In the car I just can't wait..." Michael sung at the top of his lungs.

"...to pick you up in our very first date" and you join him in singing at the top of your lungs.

The two of you ended up in fits of laughter, after the song ended and a familiar song of Rolling Stones blast from the speakers.

You both shared a knowing look and started to sing along again.

"We're gonna wake people up" you laughed

"Unlucky for them, they can't stop us" he shrugged

You shrugged too, and continued to sing again.

"Want some?" Offering him the Cheetos in your hand

He opened his mouth and you put some on in his mouth, Michael purposely licking the cheese in your fingers.

"Michael" you exclaimed making him laugh

here's another update, hope you enjoy this one. See you again on tuesday x


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