#34 He Meets Your Family

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Your family was surprised when you told them that you're gonna introduce your boyfriend to them, considering the fact that he is the first guy you ever brought home.

Saying he was nervous was an understatement since, he's literally shaking. You held his hands as your mother stood in the doorway.

"Hello, Mrs. Y/L/N" Ashton said as he shook her hand "I'm Ashton Irwin"

"Nice to meet you, Ashton" your mum said "Now c'mon, the rest of the family is in the lounge"

Ashton let out an audible gulp as he saw your father and your brother sitting on the couch.

"You never told me you have a brother" he said, knowing how brothers are about dating their younger sisters.

"Oh you'll be fine" you told him as he introduce himself the way he did with you mother.

Your mother called you in the kitchen, Ashton smiling weakly at you as you leave him with your father and brother.

"They'll love him" your mother reassured you.

Just as you were gonna tell them dinner is ready, you were surprised to see the three boys laughing.

"Damn Y/N, how did you manage to get a cool boyfriend?" your brother teased

"Because, I'm lucky" you shrugged

"Oh by the way, he got the approval" your dad said before going to the dinning room.

You look at Ashton who is smiling widely as he got your parent's and brother's approval.


You decided to let Calum meet your parents after he introduced you to his'.

"Now you know how I feel" you said as you remember him teasing you about being nervous on meeting his family.

You waited for awhile until your parents showed up. Calum immediately stood up and went to shake their hands.

The first guy you brought to meet your family broke up with you after a day, not able to pass your dad's initiation test. So your dad, is playing strict for the night.

Your dad started the test while you ate your food. Using the fact that Calum was a band member and making it sound that he doesnt approve. You rolled your eyes since your father was also in a band before. Your father also commented on his tattoos, you tried not to laugh at you father's attempt on being tough and the fact that he has some tattoos too hidden on the sleeves of his tux. Calum answered each questions he's thrown politely in a nervous way. Your dad gave you 'the look' that mean he passed.

Your mother laughed at how tense Calum is "You just earned his approval" she smiled at him

As the night ended, you told him "I hope my dad didnt scare you away" and he shook his head 'no'

"Wanna know something funny?" you asked as he looked at you and nodded

"My dad was in a band too and he has some tattoos too" you winked "He just wanted to test you"

"Really? Gods I was scared shitless, I thought being in a band and having tattoos is a bad thing to your dad" he sighed in relief


You finally convince Luke to meet your parents, so you were now on the way to parent's house to have dinner.

Luke stopped when you're at the driveway, he let out a long sigh before he went down the car.

You let yourself in the house as you found your parents sitting on the couch.

"Hey dad, mum" you said making them look at you "This is my boyfriend, Luke"

Shock is written all over your parents face.

"Oh hi, Mr and Mrs. Y/L/N" he smiled

Your mum went in the dinning room to set the table up as you wait with Luke and your father at the lounge, since your mum declined your offer to help.

Luke and your dad constantly talked about football that's currently playing on the telly. You made your way on the dinning room as your mother called.

Dinner went smooth at the fact that your parents and Luke talked comfortably as if they know each other for years and are just catching up.

"That was the fastest time that my parents approved on who I am dating" you mumbled as the two of you left.

"That's because your mother is friends with my mum" he smirked


Your parents didn't like your boyfriend the moment you showed them his picture. Your dad disapproved saying that everything, including his dyed hair, piercings and being a member of a band, screams bad news.

So you now stood in your porch waiting for someone to open the door, as you brought Michael to prove your parents wrong.

"Babe, I don't think this is a good idea" Michael said "I mean they already don't like me"

You looked at him "They don't know the real you, Michael. When they do, they're gonna love you"

Your dad opened the door, eyeing your boyfriend as he introduce himself. Your parents tried to get to know Michael, as you requested and so far you think that he is impressing them.

"Y/N said you play guitar" your little brother said "I just got mine, can you teach me?"

"Yeah sure" Michael said and your brother started to pull him, Michael excused himself as he followed your brother.

You looked at your parents, their eyes looking at you apologetically

"We're sorry, Y/N" your mum said "We easily judged him"

"Sorry, we only want the best for you" your dad said "But I think Michael is a perfect guy for you"

You are ecstatic at the fact that your parents approved on the guy you love.

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