#10 He Got Jealous

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Ashton decided to bring you to the same restaurant he did when it was your first date for your anniversary.

The waiter finally came to get your drinks. You noticed the waiter trying his best to make a move on you, you were to focus at your boyfriend who is really tense across you.

You grabbed his hand and rub circles at the back of his hands, as you give him a reassuring smile.

The waiter came back with your drinks, even when your hands were holding Ashton's, that didn't stop the waiter to flirt with you, making you roll your eyes

"What would you like to order?" the waiter beamed mostly at you, so you told him your order

He asked the same thing to Ashton, minus the flirtatious tone

"I would like a waiter that knows better than to flirt with my girlfriend" Ashton said evidently jealous, before giving his orders.

With that, a different waiter gave you your orders and served you the whole night.


You were out with your boyfriend, Calum. The two of you are in a local park playing football with each other.

You missed the ball when Calum kicked it to you, so you went to get it, and you saw a guy who was probably at your age, keeping it steady with his foot.

"What's the pretty lady's name?" he asked

"Angela" you said giving a fake name "Can I have my ball back"

"In exchange for your number" the guy suggested

"How about no?" you said, trying to kick the ball under his foot

The guy won't budge and give you the ball, Calum must have notice that you're taking a long time, so he followed you and saw you with the guy.

As soon as you got the ball back, you ran back to Calum and kick the ball to him. Instead of kicking it back, he went to you and gave you a rough kiss.

"Who's the guy?" he asked

"Nobody, just someone who thought he has a chance on me" you said

"Well, he needs to know who is out of his limits" he said pressing his lips to you again.


You and Luke are having your usual movie date night. When Alex Pettyfer showed up on the TV screen you can't help but squeal on how handsome he is and how hot is his British accent.

Suddenly Luke shifted, "Uh Y/N, I'm tired" he said "I should go to sleep"

You looked at him as he made his way to your shared room. You paused the movie and quietly followed him upstairs, where you found him checking himself out on the mirror.

"What's so handsome about him," you heard him mumbled "we both have blonde hair" he continued as he ran his fingers to his hair "I have an accent too, not just a British accent"

"An Australian accent is more hotter" you said, making him jump on his place

"Shit, Y/N" he said

"Luke, are you jealous of Alex?" you smirked

"What does he have that I don't?" he grumbled

"You don't need to compare yourself to him, Luke" you sternly said

"I do know something you have that he doesn't" you smiled


"Your amazing singing talent, the way you look hot when you play guitar, your unexplainable love for penguins" you said starting to rant

"And an amazing girlfriend" he cuts you off, before giving you a kiss.


You were at your dad's house for the weekend, Michael was supposed to pick you up, so you can have dinner at your mum's.

Your half-brother, Jacob, offered to wait with you at a nearby park, claiming that some kids in the neighborhood are douche.

You are in the middle of laughing at the joke he just said as you hear a horn blow, you saw your boyfriend's familiar car

"I think he's here" Jacob said, you kissed him goodbye and gave him a hug.

"Who's that?" Michael asked, completely jealous

You smiled at him "I think you would like him" you said

"Jacob!" You called making your brother turn, as you ask him to come near you

As soon as he is beside you, Michael is daring daggers at the poor boy "Mikey stop, you don't need to be jealous"

"Jacob, this is Michael, my boyfriend" and then you looked at Michael giving him a stern look "And Michael, this is my brother, Jacob"

"He loves video games" you quickly added, and the two boys quickly socialized

"Approved, Y/N" Jacob said, before you and Michael left.


Hey guys, new part!



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