#17 First Kiss

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"Ouch" you heard Ashton yelped, from your kitchen

You hurried off downstairs and checked on you boyfriend, "Hey babe, you okay?"

He shook his head as he ran cold water on his thumb

"I burned myself" he muttered

After he was supposed to put an ointment on it, he turned to you.

"Kiss it better" he pouted, making you laugh and kiss the burnt area

"I think, I burnt myself over here too" he said pointing at his cheeks

"Sure, Ash" you sarcastically said, as you were about to kiss his cheeks, the cheeky little bastard turn his head making you kiss his lips instead.

He deepened the kiss and pull off after what it feels like a minute "Wow" he mumble

"You're so cliché, Ash" you laughed at him


You were in your backyard porch, watching as your boyfriend, Calum played football with your little brother.

As he was supposed to steal the ball from your brother, he accidentally fell.

You stood up and approach him "Gods, Cal are you okay?"

"Mhm yeah" he mumbled, as your brother checked up on him

"Go play, mate" he said to your brother, as he lay on the grass "I'll join you in a minute"

"My back hurts" he laughed

"You should be more careful, babe" you said, as he mutter an agreement

"Can you move?" you asked him

He only smirked at you, "Only my lips could" he said, as he put a hand in the back of your neck, pulling you into a slow and gentle kiss

"Ew" your little brother said, making you pull apart


You were running around the house, with your boyfriend Luke in tow.

He was aiming for your phone that was currently in your hand, to delete the photo of him making weird faces, but so far he's not succeeding.

"Delete it, Y/N" he said trying to sound mad but he can't hide the smile appearing on his lips

"Make me, Lucas" you said, looking back and sticking out your tongue on him

Halfway through your chase, Luke grabbed your wrist turning you around but unfortunately he tripped over his own foot, making him fall down and accidentally bringing you down with him.

"Ah" you squealed as you both fell, Luke on top of you

Luke propped on his elbows so he won't crush you "I'm liking this position, so far" he smirked

Without warning, Luke leaned down, kissing you on the lips, your arms finding its way at the back of his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.

"Perfect" he mumbled on your lips


It was your fourth date with Michael. When he first ask you to go on a date, you were hesitant but after those three former dates you surprisingly like him.

You just finished having a dinner and you both decided to have a walk

You intertwined your fingers with him and enjoy each other's company, when the rain started to pour, ruining the moment.

You made your way into a gazebo when you noticed Michael not following you.

"Come in the rain, Y/N" he said "You're wet anyway"

You made your way to him as he offers you his hands

"Let's dance" he smiled

After dancing for awhile, Michael stopped and stare at you.

"Um, Y/N" he said "Can I-can I maybe kiss you?"

You gave him a smile "I thought you'll never ask", with that he pulled you closer as you share your first kiss in the rain.

Hey guys! Calum's part is a lil inspired by that part on Letters to Juliet if you watched the movie.

Anyway enjoy!


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