#54 Rains

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Ashton is so desperate to go to the beach today, he planned this day for weeks, since this day was one of the day offs he'll get.

He was all packed up, ready to go, and you reluctantly followed after him.

"Hey, Ash? Are you sure about this?" you asked him for like the hundredth time now.

"C'mon Y/N, I've been anticipating this for weeks" he sighed

"Coz Ash I watch the news and-"

He smiled at you "Oh Y/N its fine"

You sighed as you enter his car, as soon as the two of you reached the beach. Ashton was already laying his towel, when you felt little droplets fell on your shoulder.

"Oh c'mon" Ashton complained

"I told you I watched the weather report"


You visited Calum on tour at their current city, he woke you up early, as he badly wants to show you around, claiming its one of the best city he's been to.

You just got out of the hotel, Calum blabbering on all the places he wants to show you, he had it all planned.

You were on the second place on his iterenary, and you're actually enjoying yourself.

The two of you are too preoccupied by the sceneries that you didn't even notice the sky darkening.

"Cal, we didn't bring umbrellas" you said as you saw almost all have one

"Oh its not gonna rain" he said, just on cue the rain suddenly poured

"Jinx!" you said, sitting on the bench at the museum youre stranded into.


Your lunch date with your friends is cancelled because of the heavy rain that decide to ruin it.

Luke was still sleeping, since he was tired from yesterday's recording. The rain making the weather cold, made him sleep a little longer.

You were on your living room, watching TV as a past time, since its real boring when Luke's not around or sleeping.

When you felt someone tap your shoulders making you jump. You turned and saw your still sleepy boyfriend.

"I thought you're having lunch with friends?" he said

"As you didnt notice, it was raining quite hard"

"Oh, well if you're not leaving" he said "Would you cuddle with me? The bed is cold without you"

"Thought you'd never ask" you said, as the two of you enjoyed the rest of the cuddle weather day.


You are finishing your book while Michael is playing his video games on the lounge.

You both stayed in since it was raining hard outside. So, Michael took the opportunity to finish the level he is working hard for.

"Yeah," you heard him cheered on the other room "I got this"

"Here we g-NO!" he yelled as the lights went out, you silently chuckled as you turned your clip on lamp on.

"Hey babe," you said as he entered the room "Did you finish the level"

"Almost" he said clearly frustrated, "But the god damn lights went out and it didn't autosave. Now I need to do it all over again. I hate rainy days"

You smiled at sympathy at him "Oh Mikey!"

You put your book down, "Atleast you can cuddle me to feel better"

He smirked "That might change my mind"

"Let me convince you then"

hey guys! tuesday update as promised... see you again on thursday.  Please check out my story "de novo" :)


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