#75 Halloween

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"Aren't we a little too old for this, Ash?" you asked your boyfriend who was impatiently waiting for you by the front door. With him is his brother Harry who looks rather uninterested to this whole idea.

"No one is a little too old for trick or treat, babe" he frowned "Right, Harry?"

His brother stared at him blankly before nodding his head.

"Let's just go," you sigh, adjusting the devil's horn headband in your head "the sooner we begin the faster we'll get back home."

You held Harry's hand as you watched Ashton run down the street, excitedly bouncing like a five year old kid that is high in sugar.

You exchanged looks with Harry before shrugging and finally going after his older brother.

Ahton knocked on the door, "Trick or treat" he said with a wide grin as the door opens

The elder couple look at Ashton, Harry and you, before going back at Ashton who is still grinning wide. They put some candies on your buckets.

"Thanks" you said, offering a smile. You watched Ashton proceed to the next house.

This is going to be a long night.


"Calum babe, hurry up, it's starting" you called for your boyfriend

He emerged from the kitchen with a bowl of freshly microwaved popcorn before settling beside you.

"What's playing?" he asked

You shrugged, "Something scary"

"Ah, an excuse for you to hold me" he smirked "You could just ask you know, you don't need an excuse"

You rolled your eyes at him. Halloweens with Calum are always consist of a marathon of horror movies. He may look tough but between the two of you, he is the wimp. And it really kills him to admit it.

When it comes to the scary part of the movie, Calum has his eyes tightly shut, his pride keeps him from cowering behind you.

"Aw babe, if you're that scared I can hold you" you teased "you could just ask you know"


"Hey Y/N" you heard your friend Luke called

"Oh hey Luke, what's up?" you said, trying to play it cool.

Its no secret that Luke Hemmings was your crush since middle school until now, everybody knows about it, well everybody except Luke himself.

"Michael's throwing a Halloween party tomorrow," he started "do you wanna come?"

"I guess" you said

He awkwardly scratches the back of his neck "I mean do you want to go together?" he asked and you raised an eyebrow at him.

"Like be my date or something like that?" he said when he finally composed himself

"I'd love to, Luke" you said, slightly laughing at his state. Took him long enough, you thought

He smiled, "Maybe we can match costumes"

"There's a costume store downtown" you said, your face lighting up, thrilled by his suggestion "C'mon"

His smiled widens as he tells you about his endless costume idea for the both of you.


"Michael, guess what?" you said as you opened the front door, hurling two bags of pumpkins for you and your boyfriend.

Michael met you halfway, carrying your bags for you as he notice your struggle.

He frowned at the bags as he placed it on the kitchen counter, "What is this, babe?"

You beemed at him before bringing the pumpkins out of the bag.

"We're gonna carve pumpkins" you said

He was very reluctant to agree but he eventually went along with it.

You sat at the stool across of him as you watch him study his pumpkin, you guide him throughout the process and he is just mirroring your actions.

"Just be creative with the face" you told him

He looks handsome with his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He bite his lips as he carve his pumpkin with his knife.

"Um, Y/N, I dont think its supposed to look like this" he said

"But its supposed to look anything you want it to"

He shook his head, "I didnt want it too look this way"

You fought the urge to laugh when he showed you his pumpkin, compared to your pumpkin his looks like someone punched it repeatedly.

You smiled, "Well that looks very punk rock indeed"

ok i know this one is a lil bit early for halloween but oh well i hope you enjoy it


p.s i haven't write for a very long time so i'm a bit rusty, this preference could be better and i'm sorry. i tried ha

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