#35 You Meet His Family

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Today is the first time you'll meet his family.

"Babe, don't be nervous" he laughed at you "They don't bite"

You glared at him "You know exactly how I feel, Ash" you said, coz he met your family first.

"I can assure you one thing" he chuckled "They will love you"

You sigh, as you began to focus on other things, when the car came into a halt.

"We're here!" Ashton cheered "You'll be fine, Y/N, I'll be by your side all the time"

You were fidgety on the porch, you started to tense up when somebody opened the door, revealing Ashton's mum. But you calmed down when she gave you a welcoming hug, making you smile.

"Thank you for coming, Y/N" she said "The kids are inside"

"It's nothing, Mrs. Irwin" you smiled "I hope they'll like me"

"Oh they would, they're anticipating for you to come, to be honest" she smiled

As you entered the house you heard someone whisper-yelled "It's Y/N, Ashton's girlfriend"

"She's pretty" another one said

"Guys you can say hi to her y'know" Ashton said "But can you greet your brother first"

"Hey Ashton!" Harry and Lauren said, as they walked pass him, ignoring his arms that are open for a hug.

"Hello, Y/N" they both said, and grab both of your hands to lead you upstairs talking about the plans they made, you agreed while chuckling, looking back at Ashton and his mum, who is now laughing along.

"Hey, dont take my girlfriend away from me" Ashton yelled from downstairs

"We're just gonna borrow her" Lauren said "You'll get her back later"

"But I want her back now" Ashton argued

"Later!" Harry yelled back


You squeezed Calum's hands as you made your way to where you are meeting his parents.

His parents together with his sister decided to invite the two of you to a brunch.

"Calum," you said, tightening your grip on him "I'm freaking out"

He laughed at you "Oh you'll survive"

"I mean what if they don't like me" you mumbled "What will happen to us?"

"We dont need to worry 'bout that because they'll love you" he said

As soon as you spotted his family, you took a deep breath while tugging the hem of your dress.

"So this is the infamous, Y/N" his mum said giving you a hug and a kiss on the cheek

"He wouldnt shut up about you" his dad added

"Dad!" Calum scowled

You chucked and said "Hello Mr. & Mrs. Hood"

Mali-Koa stood up and give you a hug, giving you a paper bag as you broke apart.

"For the rare girl who can stand my annoying lil brother" she said

"A complimentary gift, eh?" you said making the both of you laughed

All five of you settled down and ordered something to eat. Calum is holding your hand and squeezing it occassionally.

"They already love you" he whispered, making you smile.

"Y/N" Mali called making you look at her, "I'm just curious at one thing, yeah"

"What is it?" you asked

"How can you manage to live with him?" she asked, as she look at Calum in a joking way.

"Oh y'know, like trying to take care of twelve pup-"

"Mom! Dad! They're teaming up against me" Calum exclaimed "How unfair is this?"


Luke invited you over for a family lunch. This is the first time you'll meet his brothers, since you already met his parents once and its also the first time that you'll even go to his family house.

You double checked the address of the house in front of you and the one written on the text message sent by Luke.

You wiped the sweat out of your hands before knocking at the front door. An unfamiliar guy opened the door for you.

"Uh-is Luke in?" you asked "Or did he gave me the wrong address"

The guy on the door laughed "No, Luke lives here. You must be Y/N, I'm Jack, Luke's brother"

"It was nice meeting you" you said

Jack led you to the lounge where you saw Luke's father and another guy seating on the couch.

"Good Morning, Andrew and-" you greeted

"That's Ben" Jack cut you off, introducing his brother

"So you're the infamous, Y/N. Its nice to meet you" Ben exclaimed as Luke's dad excused himself to call Luke.

"Likewise." you smiled at him

Liz peeked from the kitchen, as she smiled at you "Feel at home, Y/N."

You sat at the opposite of his brothers an awkward silence engulfing the lounge.

Your eyes trailed down on what you're wearing, noticing Jack and Ben's eyes staring at you.

Luke came from behind, pushing his brothers' shoulder with force.

"Hey! Eyes off my girlfriend!" he said

"Jeez sorry" Ben said

"You both got your own, this one is mine" Luke pouted, making you giggle.

"All yours, dude" Jack said "Its not like we're gonna ruin something as cute as the both of you"


You looked at your reflection at the mirror, adjusting the necklace on your neck as you tugged the hem of your dress.

"Michael, are you sure I look fine?" you asked your boyfriend, that is sitting on the bed.

He just laughed at your nervous state, making you chew your bottom lip.

"Mikey, you're not helping" you groaned "I mean should I wear the other stockings or just this one?"

"Nah, that one is fine" he shrugged

"Are you sure?" you prompted

He stood up and faced you to the mirror, hugging you from behind

"Look at you, you're beautiful" he smiled "You don't need to worry about it"

You faced him "I just want to look presentable to your parents"

"They're used to a not presentable look, I mean look at me" he smiled

"Michael!" you laughed

"I just want to lighten the mood" he said "Now let's go, we don't want to be late"

You sighed as you sat on the passenger seat of the car. Fiddling with your fingers and trying to distract yourself with the scenery outside the windoe

"To make you feel better, I felt worst when I met your parents" he said, cracking you up at the memory.

Michael pulled in the driveway of his family house. He glance at you as he took your hand, lightly squeezing it. The both of you getting off the car.

You clung into Michael as he knocked on the front door. You became more nervous as you heard the click of the lock. You ended up face to face with Michael's parents.

They smiled at you, all the nervousness easing out as they engulfed you into a hug "Thanks, for making Michael happy"

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