#62 Movie Dates

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You were supposed to go to the beach with your boyfriend, Ashton. When mother nature decided to be a bitch and visit you.

You groaned as you hear someone knocked in your front door, you lazily stood up and swing it open, revealing Ashton.

"Hey I bought some ice creams and rented some movies" he said, showing you the plastic bag he got.

You cuddled on the couch the rest of the day, finishing all the movies he rented and the ice cream.


It was Calum's first night back from tour and since he is still jet lag, he managed to convince you to watch movies with him.

"You choose the movie, I'll make popcorn" you told him

He nodded still looking at the DVDs you have under your televisioin.

The popcorn is already done but your boyfriend still don't know what to watch.

"C'mon Cal, just randomly pick one" you said, making him grab the first disc he saw and immediately put it on the player.


You were staying in with Luke today since its raining hard outside. The two of you planned to watch some movies to kill time.

"So, Y/N, I got Mean Girls, The Notebook..." he said, starting to enumerate the chick flicks he has.

You scrunch your nose on his choices, as you weren't a fan of sappy movies, you ignore him and look for more movies.

Luke is still loking for romantic movies when you called him "Uh Luke, can we watch this instead?" you asked, holding up a Final Destination 4 CD.


Lazy days are the best days for you and Michael. You both got your day-offs and just enjoying the fact that youre together for the day.

So you were now laying on thr bed, with Michael's laptop on his lap as you look for movies to watch at Netflix.

The two of you are both indecisive on which one to watch and you end up changing the movie in the first two minute.

"Ah, fuck this" Michael said, as he set his laptop aside "C'mon, Y/N let's just play video games"

we're down to sixty two and im running out of ideas... anyway enjoy this one.


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