#43 You Fall Asleep On Him

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You were sitting beside Ashton while he and the boys play video games, you cuddled on to his side as you fight to stay awake.

Ashton keep on talking to you as he plays until, Calum spoke, "Uh, Ash, she's kinda sleeping"

"Oh" Ashton said as he carefully look at you "She's so cute", he smiled to himself as he continue to play


You were watching a movie with Calum. Your favorite movie is playing on TV, but you weren't paying attention. You're extra tired today.

Your eyes already wants to close but you keep it open coz you want to spend more time with Calum.

Calum checked on you as he notice your light snores "Sleep tight, baby girl" he said, kissing your forehead.


You and the boys are on the way to the hotel from an award show's after party. Saying you're knackered, is a complete understatement.

You tried hard but your body gave up, making you rest your head at Luke's shoulder. Before you drift into unconsciousness, you heard Luke say.

"Go to sleep, babe" Luke said "I'll wake you up when we get there"


You plugged in your headphones as you entered the train, you sat at the only vacant seat next to a weird haired guy.

You just had a long day and you were beyond tired. The next thing you knew is someone is already shaking you.

"Sorry to wake you up, but this already my stop" the guy beside you said, turns out you fall asleep on him.

"Shit" you said as you collect your things and step out of the train

"I'm Michael, maybe we can hang out sometimes" he said

"Y/N" you told him



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