#16 First 'I Love You's

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You and Ashton are dating for 6 months, but none of you have said the 'I Love You' to each other, you never thought it was the right time and maybe his feelings aren't that deep yet, it might scare him off.

Ashton just took you out for a dinner because it's your birthday and he's now dropping you off to your parents house.

He walked you to your porch and just stayed there for awhile

"Thanks for tonight, Ashton" you told him "I really appreciate it"

He blushed, "Uh-You're welcome" he said scratching the back of his neck

You kissed him on the cheek and he made his way back to his car.

"Ashton!" you called before he can enter, making him look back at you

"I Love You" you blurted out, its like your mouth has a mind of its own

"Y/N, I-" he started

"It's okay Ash, you don't need to say it back" you smiled

"No!" he protested "I want to, but I just want to say it first, y'know"

You laughed at him "Fine, I'll take it back"

He smiled and made his way towards you

"I Love You" he said and kissed you in the lips

"I Love You too, Ashton" you mumbled at his lips, bringing him closer for one more kiss.


You and Calum were out in the beach, spending each time together before he went back to tour.

You were walking on the shore your shoes in your hand, letting the water hit your ankles. Calum's arm wrapped around your waist protectively.

"I don't want to go" he said

"You need to" you told him "I'll miss you heaps"

He turned you around bringing you close to his chest, hugging you like his life depends on you

"I'll miss you too, God I'll be crazy without you" he mumbled to your hair

He pulled out of the hug and look at you in the eyes still holding both of your hands

"I love you, Y/N" he said

You are taken aback by his words, since its the first time he said it. So you just look away to hide your face, worried that he'll see your blushing cheeks even if its dark.

"I'm sorry, I should have not said that" he rants "I wasn't thinking, I should have not rush you into thi-"

You cut him off with a kiss "Sometimes you need to shut up, Calum" you smirked "I love you too, y'know"


You went to Luke's house, when you receive a call from Liz that Luke wasn't leaving his room for two days straight. Liz was the one who opened the door for you.

"You know where his room is" she told you and you nodded

When you got upstairs, you heard Luke playing the same tune on his guitar and cursing at the end.

"Luke" you called, knocking softly at his door

"Shit, Y/N" you heard him said as he open the door for you

"Uh, can I maybe come in?" you asked

"Sure" he said picking all the pieces of paper in his bed

"What's this?" you asked picking up a paper with what you think are chords written on it.

He quickly grabbed it from you "Nothing"

"C'mon Luke, let me hear it" you pleaded

"It's a awkward to say it so I figured I'm just going to sing it for you since its more comfortable this way" he sheepishly said

He started strumming his guitar and sing Plain White T's 1234

" There's only one way, two say those three words and that's what I'll do. I love you" he finished the song

"I love you too, Luke" you smiled


You and Michael are having a lazy day at his house. You were both playing Fifa, trying if you can beat Michael.

You were seating between his legs while his arms around you holding his controller.

It was already your 5th time playing and you still can't beat Michael. You were getting frustrated and Michael will kiss the top of your head to calm you down.

The game just finished and as expected Michael 'the great' beat you again. You sigh as he let out a hearty chuckle.

"Aw babe, it's okay" he said "Here, I'll teach you"

You pouted at him "I hate you, Mikey"

He nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck "Don't hate me, Y/N. I'll let you win next time"

"Don't you dare go easy on me, Clifford" you told him

"But, I love you" he smirked

You looked at him "You lo-love me?"

It was the first time Michael said those three words and you've been dating for 8 months already.

"Of course, I love you" he smiled

"Even if I'm not good at Fifa?" you asked

"Even if you suck at all those video games I play" he assured you, kissing you on the lips.

JET BLACK HEART OMFG!!! I swear that song is giving me feels.

Anyway enjoy this chapter ☺


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