#69 Little Things You Fight About

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"We're kinda late" Ashton said as you stepped out of the bathroom

You rolled your eyes at him "Maybe if you dont take too long in the shower"

"Excuse me!" he exclaimed "You're the one to talk"

You gave him a sharp look "Excuse me? You take too long too, if you hurry up we won't be late"

"You should just hurry up then" he said

"I need my time to get ready" you replied

"I also need time" he said, rolling your eyes coz you know that this wont come into an end

You put the comb down and faced him "Y'know what Ashton, let's not make a big deal out of this"

He sighed "Okay, sorry."

"We both take too long" you laughed

"Thats why next time we should just shower together" he looked at you suggestively before turning away.


You got home completely knackered from school and training, you went straight to the kitchen to find something to eat, when you noticed the pile of dirty dishes on the sink.

"Ugh Calum" you sighed

You got annoyed when you remembered that today is his dayoff and what made you more mad is that he was just playing video games upstairs.

"You didnt even wash the dishes, considering the fact that you've got nothing to do" you told him

"Today's my off, cut me some slack" he said, his eyes not leaving the screen.

"Whats so hard about washing it?" you asked

"If its not that hard, why won't you just wash it" he countered

You mumbled a 'fine' before going out of the room slamming the door in process.

You heard Calum's footstep as you started working on the dishes. He held both of your hands to stop you from doing anything.

"I'm sorry, I'm just extra tired today. I poured it out on you" you said

"No babe, I'm sorry, I should've done it, its not a hard work anyway" he said


It is not that you have a slight OCD but it really annoys you when you saw something lying on the floor.

One of Luke's habit is to left his clothes lying on the floor after he changed.

You expected to see his clothes once again on the floor when you entered the room.

"Can you not put your clothes on the laundry basket?" you asked as you pick them up, puting them on the basket

"I'm tired" he complained

"The hamper isn't even a metre away from you, Luke" you rolled your eyes

"Just don't mind it, if it annoys you so much" he huffed

"What's the big deal about it anyway?" He muttered

"I just expect you to do even the simpliest thing" you said, barely audible

"Hey, I'm sorry, okay?" he said "I promise I won't do it next time"

You gave him a small smile "No, you're right its not even a big deal"


Your living room is always a mess, considering the fact that Michael spends most of his time there playing video games.

You came home once carrying two paper bags of groceries, when you almost tripped on the wires, plastic bottles and junk food wrappers scattered on the floor.

You sigh as you began to clean up the mess.

"Can you clean up the living room after you played games?" you asked Michael, when he got home

"Why bother? I'm just gonna make a mess after anyway" he said

"At least, it could be clean even once" you told him "If you don't want cockroaches all over your living room"

"You're over reacting" he shrugged you off

"You're right" you told him "But please make the tiniest effort on keeping it clean, I mean you can almost trip on those rubbish"

Just at the moment he almost fell when he stepped on the plastic bottle you missed to pick up.

"Oops jinx" you said

"Fine, I'll clean up after, sorry babe" he pout

hey guy, enjoy this update. there are like five chapters left in this book.

~myna☆ (the gal in mcdonald's spelled my name that way yesterday)

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