#38 Your Inner Nerd

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You and your friend are currently watching Clash of the Titans.

You're a big Greek Mythology nerd, so your friend grabbed the chance to ask you everything she finds confusing, you actually didn't mind since you love talking about Greek Myth.

"So Perseus, is a demigod?" she asked

"Yeah, he was a son of Zeus and Danae"

"Isn't Dionysus' mother a mortal too?"

"Yeah, he was the only God who has a mortal parent" you nodded at her

The questions keep coming and you tried to explain everything to her. You didn't even notice your boyfriend now sitting next to you.

So you were startled when he whispered "Damn, I'm dating a mythology nerd"


You were downstairs preparing food for lunch when you heard something crash from upstairs, so you went up.

"Cal? What's wrong?" you asked sitting next to him on the bed

"My flashdrive has a virus, all the song that I wrote is in there now its all gone" he said exasperatedly

You gently rubbed his back to calm him down, "Can I take a look at what happened?" you asked him and he nodded.

There is indeed a virus on his flashdrive, you know its because Calum is not the type to scan first. You did all you can to recover all the files he lost. After awhile, the flashdrive was virus free and all the files are already there.

"There you go, Cal" you said handing him his laptop back "Next time scan for viruses, okay?"

"You're a computer geek" he said "I love it"


Luke came home with a pout on his face. He sat beside you and wrapped his arms around your small frame.

"What's wrong, babe?" you aksked

He told you about Ashton knowing about his social media password and hacked him and he's now making fun of him. You laughed at his story but an idea came to you.

"You wanna get back at Ashton?" you asked

"How?" he gave you a questioning look "I don't know his password"

"Me neither, but I can hack his account" you shrugged

"Really? How?"

"Its a secret ability you can't tell the others" you winked at him

You spend the rest of the night hacking Ashton's twitter as you keep tweeting embarrassing stuff until he said sorry.


Michael was out for the night to go clubbing with his friends, you are supposed to go but you didnt feel like it since Mother Nature payed you a visit.

So you were now sitting in front of your laptop, killing time by playing your favorite game, League of Legends.

You were so focus on destroying the opponent's nexus, when a pair of hands sneak into your waist making you jump.

"Wow, you never told me you play League of Legends" Michael said

"It never came up" you shrugged "Why are you surprised that I have this nerd side?"

"Yeah, I think it's hot but at least now we can play together" he said

"But you're a sore loser" you pouted

"Am not!" he laughed

Enjoy this one :)

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