Child Play

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Hey! My name is Cupid, or Mr. Petrolas as the kids know me at Green Hall High School. I'm 5"10, 27, and devilishly handsome. But enough about me (for now). Btw, pic of Robin on the side. Do you fellow readers remember the tally in the last chapter?



Well, that was me. (Squeal XD!) I'm keeping the score of who's going to win Katie first. Personally, I ship Robin and Katie since the beginning of "Fairytales Aren't Real" so yeah. Anyone who's an Alejandro and Katie shipper, can fight me. *holds up pitchfork with flaming torch*

Unfortunately, cue the disappointed fans! *aww!* I'm only going to appear when there is romance. Most of the time it will just be the writer cause this is adventure. But I'll be in the background looking for even the slightest chance of romance, a wink, hug, even a kiss! How about a declaration of love?

Well, I've got to go! We still need to get back to the story, Bye for now!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
We had been walking for miles and miles until we finally had a break. Okay, maybe not miles, but it felt like several miles to me. I was leaning against a tree with the wind softly blowing my hair against my face. I fingered the pearl necklace Marina had given me back when we were trying to find Jacob Grimm, it twinkled in the sunlight.

I felt like I wanted to express how I felt in writing, it's such a shame that I didn't have my diary with me. I barely wrote in it and almost never kept up with it, but right now it could come in handy. I tilted my head and grabbed the strap of my backpack, pulling it to my side so I could search through its contents.

All that was in there was camping supplies and leftover gummybears Selena had given me. I shoved it away, sighing softly in dismay.

"Well, I guess talking to myself would help as well. Dear Diary, I feel so lost right now. We have no clue where to find Ms. Sierra who's planning on creating a fairytale army against their will, no idea where Jacob Grimm really is, and I've found out about what has plagued Robin. Not to mention, I'm confused about what my heart wants, also who I am."

"I keep hearing stuff about how I'm the chosen, but-I haven't heard anything about it for a while and, what am I supposed to think? This could be the thing that tells me who I am."


It was Alejandro.

I forced a smile. "Hey Alejandro, is the break over?"

Alejandro shook his head. "Nope, not yet."

I sighed as I leaned back against the tree. "Do you mind, I still want to be alone."

"Katie, I heard you talking about the chosen. What do you know?"

"Well," I said deciding that Alejandro wasn't going to leave me alone anytime soon, "Apparently, I'm the one who's supposed to defeat Ms. Sierra."

"By yourself?" Alejandro looked skeptical as he raised an eyebrow.

"We don't know for sure, no one's told us the specifics of what happened after the prophecy was spoken."

Alejandro slowly nodded. "Katie, don't trust the people who have said this. You could get hurt believing this...prophecy you could say if you go up to Ms. Sierra by yourself."

"Okay, only with y'all."

Alejandro suddenly looked nervous. "Um Katie,  the rest of us decided on something and the vote was unanimous."

"What is it?" I asked suspiciously.

Ella, Robin, Jordan, Selena, Snow, and Briar stepped out from the bushes. They had clearly been eavesdropping and knew what we were talking about. They all made eye contact with me as Alejandro said the next few words.

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