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Katie's POV

Jacob and I were tiptoeing on the far left edges of the staircase after successfully leaping into shadows of pillars in the castle, the monkeys were no problem once I materialized several bananas and threw it in the opposite direction. Jacob had informed me that the throne room where the Wicked Witch of the West resided and also where I would be able to send a message to Marina.

I still felt inner turmoil and heart wrenching guilt as I could feel Jacob's hesitation to talk with me, no attempt to share stories about his childhood when we were supposed to be quiet, or not giving me an encouraging smile as we crept forward. I knew what was wrong but I didn't know how to fix it.

"Jacob, why won't you talk to me?" I whispered fiercely as we ducked behind a pillar. We were getting closer to the black, regal door that had the title Wicked Witch of the West Throne Room.

"Because we're trying to be sneaky," Jacob replied as he motioned towards 2  flying monkeys guarding the door, they were especially more large and muscled than the others we had encountered so far. I guess the witch needs tighter security around the room where she stays.

"I meant besides that," I said as I used both of my hands to make a whole bunch of bananas materialize and threw it down the hall, effectively grabbing the monkeys' attention. They squealed and eeked down the hallway, shouting hollers of approval as they gobbled down the feast.

"Katie, we can discuss my 'feelings' when we're not trying to get into the Wicked Witch's room without being turned into a frog or a bug," Jacob said as he turned the doorknob, both of us walking inside a dark lit room.

"Oh, that sounds divine," an unknown chirpy voice replied. I felt Jacob extend his arm over me, pushing me behind him as we spun around to see a shadow near a window with the moonlight shining on the mysterious figure, only a silhouette with a pointy hat and curved nose.

"It's her," Jacob whispered, his raspy voice croaked out.

The Wicked Witch snapped her fingers causing Jacob and I to be ensnared with chains bounding our hands and feet together. I tried to make them disappear with my mind yet as I pictured them off, I felt a slam of invisible force push me to the ground.

"Now dearie," the witch said as her face was now alight with a bright flame of fire in her hand, walking close to me. She stuck her face near my own, I was unable to move as I now felt glued to the floor. "You may be the chosen but you're just like Dorothy. Just a little girl wanting to go home, completely defenseless against a powerful witch such as myself."

"Powerful? You were defeated by Dorothy with a bucket of water," I retorted, bringing my face closer to hers.

I knew this surge of courage flowing through my veins wasn't coming from me but I might as well take advantage of it, I said to myself as I morphed a water balloon and smashed it into the witch's face.

She backed away from me, sputtering at the water as her loose hair ringlets were now stiff with water dripping from them and her face, eyeing me with pure disdain. I was waiting for her to melt instantly as it happened in the book but nothing happened, her smile widened as Jacob and I were watching her expectantly.

"How-but why-" I stammered out.

"Only Dorothy can melt me, it was her destiny to melt me with a simple bucket of water. The question is now, which option should I choose to turn both of you into? A frog or a bug?" The Witch asked as she pointed at both of us, letting out an excited giggle as if it was a fun game.

"Listen witch-" I started to say, about to say something snarky when Jacob interrupted me. "Let me handle this Katie."

He turned away from me and looked at the witch. "Wicked Witch of the West, you don't want to turn us into an insect or amphibious creature," Jacob declared with a firm tone, no hint of fear or hesitation.

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