Lies Uncovered

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Katie's POV

I took a deep breath as my fingers intertwined in a nervous ball, I was so not ready for this confrontation. I tapped the person's shoulder and he turned around with an unreadable expression on his face. His eyebrows knit together and he crossed his arms, turning to me. I cleared my throat as I had practiced what I was going to say to him for the past hour.

"Alejandro? Can we talk somewhere, in private?" I asked nervously, looking up at him with my puppy-dog eyes.

Alejandro sighed, letting his arms rest by his sides. "Yes. Do you want to go an empty clearing nearby? I discovered it when I was foraging for berries."

I nodded, I was just glad that he didn't shoot down my request outright. After I had given my speech about my decision of staying in the book, we had dispersed to do some last minute things before turning in for the night. I wanted to clear the air with Alejandro as soon as I had the opportunity which is harder than it seemed, Alejandro had started to be more social as he had forged friendships with my friends.

Alejandro and I made our way through the sheltering bushes, pushing through the leafy twigs. Only a few minutes passed until I walked around a tree, a neat circle outline had been made on the grass. A big boulder had been placed in the center which Alejandro strode with ease. I remembered how Alejandro was always ready to investigate the wilderness as he always volunteered at outdoor activities and was an active member of the Boy Scouts. He sat down and patted the space next to him, I sat next to him and rested my hands on my knees.

"So, Katie. Why did you want to talk to me?"

I breathed in and slowly let it out. "I wanted to know why you've been kind of...distant. I mean, I didn't expect for me to have all your attention when I came back. I've been giving me angry glares and I don't appreciate it after everything I've been through. Alejandro, you need to tell me why you're acting like this."

Alejandro sighed, grabbing my hand. "Katie...I still think this is a mistake. You should've gone home when you had the chance."

I took my hand out of his and spun to face him. "I did try! Even after Selena sent me through that portal, I tried to get home! It led me back here and I can't leave. I finally made my own decision Alejandro. Why can't you let me make my own choice and respect it?"

Alejandro sighed, drumming his fingers on the rock. "Fine. I understand that this is your call to make and I won't argue with you."

Alejandro got up, sliding off the rock. I still didn't like where this was going but I had to know, I called out. "Wait, Alejandro!"

"What?" He turned around, his hands in his pockets.

I closed my eyes, placing my hand on my heart. I slowly opened my eyes to stare directly at him. "Where does this leave us? Are we even an us?"

Alejandro shook his head. "Katie, you have a lot on your plate right now. The last thing on your mind shouldn't be about our non existent relationship."

"So, does that mean you're no longer interested in me?" I asked. A small part of me felt a spot of pain for the old bond we used to have together, if I had stayed; who knows where we would be right now. But as I stared at Alejandro's eyes who were blazing with an unidentifiable emotion, I realized that we had changed too much for us to have any kind of a relationship.

"Katie, I know that what I felt for you was real. Now...things have changed. I gotta go, I have to turn in for the night." Alejandro turned and walked away, not sparing me another glance.

I felt myself lower down and sit on the rock, curling my foot underneath my left leg. I brushed my hair back, trying to make sense of what I was feeling inside. It was bittersweet as I realized I was glad one of the guys who was interested in me had decided to move on; it was also sad as I knew Alejandro was my first love and I had moved on.

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